Farkles time machine

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Farkle:(climes into the bay window)ladies


Farkle:I have something to tell you girls


Farkle:I made a time machine



Farkle:yeah but

Maya:I wanna try it

Riley:me too I wanna meet young Cory and topanga

Maya: and shawn (smiles)

Farkle:but Riley Maya

Maya:this is great

Farkle:yes it is you girls want to try it badly huh?


Farkle:Fine there's a timer on the machine so when ever you go to to the past you have until 1am then you will teleport back here

Maya:when can we go?

Farkle:tomorrow morning


Maya:I can't wait to see how they were back in the day

Riley:they were probably the coolest kids in the school

Maya:I'm pretty sure Shawn was the coolest

Riley: probably

Maya:he was I wonder how life was for him

Josh:(walks into rileys room)Hey kiddies

Maya:Hey uncle boing


Riley:(hugs josh)Hey uncle josh

Maya:what brings you here?

Josh:I'm here cause Farkle called me I still don't know how he got my number


Josh:yea doctor turtle neck

Riley:For what?

Josh:something about you girls need permission for a machine

Riley:so you came for that

Maya:you came because of Riley right

Josh:and you too

Maya:like you care

Josh:I do

Maya:sure you do boing


Maya:(grabs him by his shirt)really?


Maya:(giggles)well thank you for caring

Riley:Uh ok you two separate

Maya:ok (let's go of josh)

Riley:let's get to sleep so we can wake up early

Maya:goodbye Josh


*the girls get to sleep and josh heads to the couch and falls asleep*

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