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Ok guys this is it...understand its a rough draft so don't worry to much about spelling and editing overall. Tell me what you think I really would like some feedback :) If you likey ma story become a fan :D


Nature is so inspiring in every sense, the way that light pink blossoms flutter into the crisp green grass, the way that leaves unfurl like emerald jewels swaying in the breeze. I close my eyes as the scent of the blossoms fragrant and fresh wash over me. I open my eyes a petal lands on my eye lash smiling, I carefully take it, probing the texture with my fingers; it feels so delicate yet firm at the same time. Placing it in the palm of my hand I blow on it and the wind picks it up and deposits it with the pile of petals on the grass.

Anyone looking at me sitting alone on a park bench staring at a tree would probably think I am a loner or even worse crazy but I'm not - well crazy anyway, I'm an artist but not just any artist I love nature and natural beauty, anything artificial I just can't draw. I've tried drawing building and other things but I am never pleased by the outcome. It seems that I can only get my inspiration from nature and from people I suppose that suites me just fine. My mother was an artist as well. I don't remember much about her, she died when I was five but I treasure the little fond memories I do have. I close my eye as it all comes flooding back

'Honey, come here' my mother smiles at me her nose wrinkled with freckles. She is wearing an apron splattered with paint and the sun makes her hair shine like a golden hallo. The green in her hazel eyes glisten as she holds my hand.

'Do you like my painting' curiously I look, its a white rose and its breathtaking.

'Mummy it looks just like the real thing' I exclaim as I dash to examine the real white rose. I start to cry my mother at once has me in her arms

'What's wrong penny' she looks at me as though she herself is about to cry. Sniffing I look down and wipe my tears away 'I want to draw like you mummy' I look up as my mother's face lights up from a smile so sweet it makes me ach just to think about it

'Sweetie, you can draw like me go and pick a flower' I perk up straight away as I scan the garden all the plants and flowers and so beautiful suddenly my eye spots a glint of velvety purple, it's strong petals are closed almost stubbornly but it looked so strong planted there without need for anyone. I stumble up to it.

'This one mummy' she follows me and bends down in surprise.

'A violet' I nod happily as she hugs me and positions the sketching pad on my lap she helps me draw it. I remember how many hours we spent laughing and drawing flowers. We had grabbed mompie our ginger cat and forced him to be a model for our next drawing. How he struggled to get out of my grip hissing in despair to get back to his daily routine of lounging around. I had never felt so complete in my life. Suddenly the warm feeling is gone as my not so fond memory comes back to me.

My mother is sickly pale and her beautiful silky hair has mostly gone and she tries to cover it up with a scarf. Thin and gaunt her bones jut out and her eyes are hollow the skin around them almost yellow. She tries to make a cup of tea but she is shaking so much she nearly drops the cup.

'Clumsy me' she says coughing she can't stop. I hold her hand worried

'Mummy' I start crying 'are you ok' she bends down and hugs me holding me close to her she whispers into my ear her breath smelling of mint

'Pennie you know I love you with all my heart' she tries to smile but I can see her eyes watering.

'Yes mummy' I said

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