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Ok....this is the second chapter from Untitled. Tell me what you guys think and if you like it vote and become a fan I will deffo have a look at your work :3

I cross the road quickly and take out my phone. My mum had just sent me a text 'at college £20 in the kitchen get something for you and peeta' I sigh another day of arguing with my brother over what to order but I have bigger things on my mind. I'm feeling guilty over something which shouldn't really bother me. I should have made sure she got home ok. I just left her, she was bleeding. I shake my head of these thoughts, she said she was ok I try to convince myself. But was she? Her eyes told a different story, she had been crying.

As I near my house I take out my keys, then open the front door. Dumping my bag on the landing I can hear peeta shouting my name I ignore him and run upstairs to my bedroom and close the door. Surrounded now by my things brings me some comfort and I take out my illustrations to look through because they calm me down. But something keeps nagging at the back of my mind about that girl. Cut it out josh I tell myself. Ruffling through my bag, I take out my sketching pencils and start to colour in my illustrations.

Its my own comic book, I had started it about three years ago and the plot just solidified in my mind when I was much younger. I can remember it just like yesterday. I was about 8, at this time my dad was still alive and my mother was pregnant with peeta. It was a chilly evening and my mother and father and I were huddled together in the sitting room listening to the radio when the station was interrupted by a news broadcast. It had said that tonight London was expected to receive very heavy thunderstorms and that it was suggested that everyone stays at home until further notification.

'Hear that Josh' my father ruffled my hair 'First time your going to hear thunder' he laughed. I couldn't wait and as my mother poured a brandy for him. I waited excitedly by my window for it to start. I didn't know what to expect. As a deep purring of electricity ran across the sky the clouds had turned a magnificent grey. I stared in wonder as the booming of thunder echoed from the sky and the lightening sparked leaving my face illuminated with its light. I could feel something stirring within me from hearing the thunder as the idea materialized in my mind. When the thunder storm had finished I was buzzing with ideas but I patiently waited until every grey cloud had evaporated. Then I scuffled around for a pen and paper and clumsily wrote the words-

'Thunder man'

I drew a quick sketch of a man whose rippling body was caressed by a deep set grey body suit, ash colored hair matched by bright grey eyes and a lightening bolt ran down to his torso ending at his waist. I was concentrating so hard that my tongue stuck out as I drew. He was standing by grey clouds that gathered around him and you could almost feel the electricity in the air as a lightening bolt flashed by. Finally proud of my work I rushed downstairs to show my father. He looked shocked when he saw the picture

'Son I never knew you could draw like this' he showed my mother who looked less astonished. I smiled.

'If you are interested in comics I have collected plenty when I was a kid' he said, looking back at my illustration his eyes shiny

'You are talented son' he looks me square in the eye 'promise me you will finish this' he waved his hand 'create a plot' I nod

'Can I see your comics please' I say grinning

'Tomorrow I promise now off to bed' I kiss them both goodnight.

I blink the tears away .

Unititled Chapter oneWhere stories live. Discover now