Never in my life have a craved a cup of coffee and a slice of cake, so bad.
In my hurried state I nearly knock over two giggling girls on the corner of the pavement.
I give them what I hope is a smile and keep walking.As I step into Coffee Cream I take a large inhale of breath and make a sigh of relief.
That is short lived.
The place is packed.
Wall to wall people, no empty tables and one poor waitress that is running herself ragged to try and please everyone.
I join the queue and question my need to come here on a Saturday when i could have ordered it to be delivered and then I grumble when I remember it's because of the annoyance I call my younger sister.Recently moved from way up north, she decided we haven't seen each other for so long.
Not long enough.
I step forward with the crowd a few minutes later, when I hear a crash and gasps.
The two girls I saw giggling outside just walked in and the young waitress on the floor trying to pick up the smashed cups and wipe the spilt tea and coffee.
The blonde girl out of the two snears at the waitress and steps over her and let's out an annoyed huff."Look where your going next time, KD."
The annoyance I once felt for my sister is now directed at the two girls laughing and joining the que.
I walk over to the girl knelt down on the floor and start picking up broke pieces of China."You alright there, Darlin'?" I rasp out.
The girl is a knockout.
Before she was running around too much for me to get a good look but the closer I get the more beautiful she becomes.
Dark blond hair almost brown, skin so pale she looks like a little China doll.
She hasn't met my eyes yet so I can't see them behind her lashes."Fine, just fine. You don't have to help me sir, I've got it covered." She mumbles out and continues to pick up the pieces and puts them onto the cloth.
Her sweet voice washes over me like a rolling breeze and I close my eyes briefly.
My eyes pop back open with that thought and my brain screeches to a halt.
Mine? Where did that come from?
The girl has said no more than 10 words and hasn't even looked and me.She picks up the last piece and lifts her eyes to mine and sucks in a breath.
Brown eyes with gold little flecks.
Mine"What's your name?" I manage to ask without sounding like the cave man I've apparently become.
Next I'll start grunting and hauling her sweet arse to my cave."KD, um, KD Joy." She smiled timidly and moves to stand. "And yours?"
I'm too distracted to answer her question when I hear a shout from across the room."You okay there, honey?" An older lady stands with her hands on her hips with a small smile at her lips.
"Fine, Brenda I'll be over in a second." She smiles at the lady who I assumes who runs the place.
The lady gives her a small wink and walks away."kilter, my name is Kilter. Has anyone ever told you, you have the most beautiful eyes?" I say staring into her eyes that seem to change to a warm brown. Almost gold colour.
"Um, no but thank you. I need to get back to work, Have a nice day sir."
That's the second time she's called me that, before I can say anything else she rushes away with the broken cups and hurries through the swinging door.KD Joy, you don't know it yet but your mine.