Scenario 12

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When you see a spider (or any disgusting bug)


You were sitting on the couch, stuffing your face with popcorn while watching a movie. While watching the movie, you see a huge spider crawling on the TV.

"What the fuck is th- IT'S A SPIDER. AYATO. HELP" You jump off the the couch and find Ayato who was rummaging through our fridge.

Ayato looks at you, a mouth full of Takoyaki and raises a eyebrow.

"A spider! Kill it please!" You drag him into the living room and point to the TV screen but their was nothing.

"What spider are you talking about? I don't see anything" Ayato looks down at you and then back to the TV

"What?! Where did it go?!"

"Your probably seeing things. Let's go make some Takoyaki ok?" Ayato asks and tries to move you into the kitchen

"Fine. You can sleep here and let the spider crawl into your ear. If you see it, kill it" You point to the couch and walk into the kitchen to make some Takoyaki


"(Y/N)! Can you come here for a second" Reiji shouts from his lab

"Yeah, what is i- Why are you standing on your desk?" You tilt your head and walk up to him

"Theirs a spider on that cup and I was wondering if you could kill it for me....It's not like I"m scared or anything" He points to the cup and gets off the desk to stand behind you

"Mhm, I know your not scared" You say sarcastically and walk up to the cup and pick up the spider

"See? Look, isn't it cool" You walk up to Reiji and wave it in his face

He let's out a girl-ish scream and jumps back a bit "Whatever"

"Aww, do you want to keep it?"

"No now kill it or something"

"Ok ok. Mr. I'm not scared of spiders" You kiss him on the cheek and walk out the room

Little did he know, you kept the spider and you would scare him with it


"Hey babe, look what I found" Latio barges into your room and places a spider on your bed

"LAITO! WHAT THE FUCK?! GET IT OFF OF MY BED NOW" You jump off your bed and throw a pillow at him, of course, he doges it.

"What? He won't bite" Latio takes it off your bed and waves it in your face

"Stop it! I hate spiders" You run away from him but he just gets closer and closer

"Come on. Touch it and then I'll leave you alone"

"No.Way." For the rest of the day, Laito chases you around with a spider

"Kanato! A bee! Theirs a bee on you!" You point to his shoulder.

He lets out a girlish scream and thrashes around to try to get it off of him.

"Is it gone?!"

"It's right their! KILL IT! KILL

Eventually, the bee got away and Kanato has been paranoid for the rest of the day

"Why do I have to kill it? You kill it!" You point over to the wall with the spider on it

"What if I don't want to kill it huh?"

"Well, you have to because I'm not killing it"

"And I'm not killing it either so what are you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna leave this house and lock you in here so the spider crawls in your ear" You smirk and bring your face really close to his

"Alright! I'll kill it" Subura blushes and walks over to the wall but theirs no spider their

"It's gone"

"BYEEE! See ya when the spiders dead!" You kiss him on the cheek and run out the room

"Hey! Come back!"

"OMG SHUU THEIRS A SPIDER ON YOU" You throw a fake spider on him and shook him to get him up

"(Y/N), I saw you throw the spider" He sits up and pulls you into his lap

"Fuck! I knew it!"

After a while, a actual spider showed up and when you tried to get Shuu to kill it, he wouldn't believe you.
Sorry if the scenarios are short :(

~Imouto <3

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