Chapter One: Starbucks & Fans

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James yawned, stretching as he stood up from his black swivel chair "Now I just have to edit later and I can upload my video!" He smiled and walked out of his room and down the hall, waving to Sarah as he got his jacket and shoes. "Where are you going?" Sarah stared at him for a few seconds, an eyebrow raised. It was silent for a few seconds before James finally replied "Just going for a walk." He quickly grabbed his keys and slipped out the door, locking it before heading down the street and shoving the keys into his pocket.

He slowly walked into Starbucks, waiting in the short line. He smiled, pulling his phone out of his pocket and checking his Instagram and YouTube. After a few minutes he put his phone away as the last person in front of him went and sat down. "Hi," He smiled at the girl taking his order "I'll have a hot chocolate." "That will be $1.50 sir. And your name?" He put two dollars on the counter "I'm James. You can keep the change.". "Thanks, your order will be ready quickly." She returned his smile.

He smiled at her quickly and walked towards an empty table, sitting down and humming quietly while he waited for them to make his order. After a while of waiting he heard "Hot chocolate for James!". He got stood up and walked towards the counter, grabbing his drink and a lid. Thanking the girl, he put the lid on his hot chocolate before walking back to his table and sitting down.

He smiled, holding his drink with both hands for a few seconds and just enjoying the warmth before he took a long sip, smiling as he gently placed his hot drink on the table. He pulled his phone out, checking the time before looking at his social media for a few minutes while occasionally taking sips of his drink.

Suddenly, he jumped in his seat, his gaze immediately snapping up to see a short haired girl standing there when he heard "James?" He gasped "Mia! It's been forever!" She smiled at him, sitting down "Yeah! Why are you here anyways?" He definitely seemed a bit happier now "Oh I was just gonna go on a walk and I stopped to get a drink." He gestured to his drink before continuing with a question "What about you?" "Oh just stopped to get a coffee. Anyways, how are you?" He realized he hadn't turned off his phone, doing so quickly and subtly "Oh I'm doing great! You?" "Snazzy as always." She smiled with a small wink which made both of them laugh.

"So, Mia... What have you been doing lately?" Oddly, Mia seemed a bit surprised at the question "Oh just... Editing some videos and... that's it pretty much. W-What about you?" James noticed her visible blush but decided not to say anything "Okay.. Well, I've mostly just been recording and editing videos too. Also, hanging out with some friends and seeing some fans..." "Ah.. Okay.." It was silent for a few minutes, both of them sitting there before they heard "Coffee for Mia!".

She quickly stood up, walking to the counter and grabbing a lid, thanking the lady who she noticed was named Mary before putting the lid on her drink and walking back over to James, sitting down again. She took a sip and smiled "I'm guessing it's pretty good?" He returned her smile "Yeah, it's great!" "Anyways, I should be going soon.. I guess I might see you soon?" He stood up, grabbing his drink "Sure. Bye!" She waved as he walked to the door, returning her wave.

He pushed the door open and stepped out, sighing quietly and seeing his breath as he did. "Dang, it got really cold while I was in there..." He slowly walked down the street, smiling or waving at friends or even the occasional fan.

He noticed a small group of about three kids who all looked about twelve, maybe thirteen and he realized one of them was wearing what seemed like a handmade Aparri shirt. He smiled and walked over, realizing they seemed to be watching one of his videos. "Hey, guys." The first one to look up was the girl in the middle holding the phone "Oh. My. Gosh. Guys!" She nudged her friends and they looked up, recognizing him quickly "Aparri!".

"Please, just call me James." He smiled and the fans quickly introduced themselves as Emily, the middle one, Jorden, the one on the left and Josh, the one on the right of course. In just a few minutes they had started a casual conversation, the topic changing many, many times.

After what felt like, and probably was, an hour of talking, laughing, hanging out and sad goodbyes the few fans he had met were all walking away, as he told them he needed to get home eventually. He checked his phone as he slowly walked down the sidewalk, having finished his hot chocolate a while ago he was getting a bit thirsty.

He decided to just wander around and keep an eye out for any cafes or shops. He shoved his phone back into the front pocket of his jeans, speeding up a bit while looking around, trying to find a place he could go to maybe get a drink or even just to get out of the cold.

In all his wandering James found himself on the same street as the famous Julian2's house. He thought for a few seconds before looking down and wrapping his arms around his body. If he knew it would be this cold he probably would've brought a better jacket or a scarf.

Pulling his phone out once again he checked the time. Already 3:37... He shoved his phone back into the pocket of his jeans and walked faster, deciding where to go quite quickly as he felt a few tiny droplets of rains start to fall. He quickened his pace, speed walking before breaking out into a slow jog, picking up speed as the rainfall only got worse.

He finally started to slow a bit as he spotted the house he was looking for. He was at the front of the house in just under six minutes and slowly walked up the driveway and held his breath, pausing before exhaling and stepping up to the first stone stair. He glanced up, slowly walking up the rest of the way to the door.

He raised a hand to knock but hesitated and thought about turning back, what's the point anyways? "He's probably recording.." He mumbled to himself before shaking his head and knocking quickly, just three times before stepping back and letting his hand fall back to his side.

He waited for a few seconds, sighing and shaking his head slowly before he turned around and he stepped down onto the first stair, nearly falling down the rest as the door flew open quickly, a gasp escaping his lips and he spun around quickly, his foot nearly slipping off of the stone stair before he caught himself and stepped back up the stairs, finally looking up and seeing the cause of his fright.

Standing there, leaning against the doorway was the brown-eyed, curly haired boy that most knew as Julian2.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2016 ⏰

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