Chapter One

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There's really nothing interesting about school. Yeah, you see your friends there, and maybe you're in a club, but when reality sets in, none of that matters. Life doesn't matter.

So that's why I make the most of it. I let, no, make people know who's in charge. Elizabeth Rae Fowler. Yeah, nothing short of sweet, but the name fits.

I walk down the school hallway with my two, er, friends, walking beside me. Ashley and Hannah. We're all seniors. I'm eighteen but most people in my grade are still 17.

"Elizabeth?" I hear beside me, causing me to stop and turn. A younger, maybe 16 years, boy is looking up at me with bright eyes. I smile down at him.

"Uh, so, I'm having a party, and..." he looks down, flustered, as he hands me the invitation. I can never turn down an invitation, so of course I gladly take it.

Without another word, I'm walking down the hall again.

Ashley taps on my shoulder. "I know you don't like turning down parties," she whispers, "but did you really have to accept that one? That boy's, like, ten, and I think he's a nerd."

I stifle a laugh at that. God, she's so stupid sometimes. Of course I had to accept it. I always do, and I can't let anyone down. No matter how stupid it is.

When we get to the cafeteria, we get to our table and sit down. Now that I think about it, will this even be a party? He seems way to lame for anyone to show up.

I open the invitation and read it aloud. "It says...the party is tomorrow night at 7:30. Why so early?" I look up to the girls, almost expecting an answer, but of course get blank stares. Reading it again, I say, "The boy's name is Josh. Joshua Gallow. He's turning seventeen tomorrow. This is a birthday party."

I sigh a really loud and long sigh. I hate going to birthday parties. They're the lamest kind.

I stuff the invitation into my bag and pull out my lunch. Ashley and Hannah do the same.

Suddenly, there's a loud crash and a few gasps. I turn my head towards the commotion. A girl in a pink dress has you hands over her mouth. Maybe tears on her face? In front of her is another girl, all in black, with her food everywhere. The pink girl helps the other up and they talk frantically back and forth.

" to be them," Hannah laughs

This is gonna be lameDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora