New Love

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6months later
Cam pov
I can't believe they really split up on their wedding day how could he do that to her Smdh I don't even know what to fucking say.. omg she's going into labor(runs to her).

Nate pov
I'm going to kill that nigga so he thinks he leave her standing at the altar lookin stupid and she's going into labor just wait till I see his bitch ass.

Lena pov
How tf could he do this to me ughhhhh I can't go back to him after this....ahhhh Omfg my WATER BROKE I need to get to a hospital.

Tay pov
Don't tell mom I said this but daddy is fucked up for this whole situation but most of all mom is getting ready to have my little brother.

Elle pov
I can't bewieve daddy did twis to mommy....oh no mommy is scweaming I bewtter helwp.

Meri pov
Uncle Dre is really fucked up for this whole situation like auntie needs to just leave him for good if you ask me.

Ty pov
Unwcle Dre needs to be bweat up.

Ky pov
Yewah what Ty sawid.

Mason pov
Smh I don't what so say this is my first time having a point of view so uhh........Hi.

Nobody's pov
Everyone pulled up to the hospital asking for someone to help Lena give birth the nurse asked who was the father but Dre had already ran off with one of his side hoes so Lena&Nate's mother went back with Lena to coach her through the whole birth after about 2 hours Lena gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Jayden Alexander Conway he was everything Lena was expecting he was her baby Prince and she had two princesses that's all she needs bc her kids are her new love but she will never forget Dre bc he was her everything her first love,first time and first heartbreak.

Me:I can't believe my Prince has arrived.

Ma:I finally have a grandson I can spoil.

Tay:mommy can I hold him please I'll be careful.

Me:yesss baby hold out your arms like this.

Tay:(holds arms out)like this mommy?

Me:yes here you go(hands her the baby).

Elle:mommy he cute

Me:that's your baby brother you gotta help mommy take care of him ok?

Elle:wess ma'am,where is daddy.

Ma:Elle how about you and your cousins spend the night with me tonight?

Elle:ok grwandma can Tay swtay to?

Ma:yes babygirl,Nate and Cam are y'all going to stay with here tonight?

Cam:yes ma'am I'll just need to get some clothes for me and her.

Nate:yes but I have to leave for work in the morning.

Ma:ok well I'll go get you and her some clothes while I grab the kids some outfits also.

Me:thanks ma for everything,I should have listened when you told me Dre ain't shit😔.

Ma:baby you can't blame yourself for his actions he's the one that has to pay for this in the end.

Cam:Lena she's right he's gonna miss out on his two beautiful princesses growing up into lovely women and his son becoming a handsome man but you well forever have us boo💖.

Me:thank you guys are my real family no matter what anybody says y'all are always my family.

Nate:Sis you know me and my nigga Mekih Richmond gonna get his ass.

Me:Nate you don't have to do that fr it's ok I can raise them alone trust me I'm a strong black independent woman who has a medical degree who makes $80 per hour and has a salary of $166,400.

Cam:big baller shot caller(dancing).

Nate:no bae please stop and sit down😂.

Cam:shut up you always hating on me nigga Smdh.

Ma:well me and the kids are going out for awhile.

Us:ok have fun kids.

Kids:we will(walking out if hospital room).

Ma:take care of my grandson babygirl I'll be back later on tonight love you.

Me:ok bye momma love you too be safe.

Cam:babygirl you gonna raise a man not a little boy ok.

Me:ok I just can't believe this nigga but my son is still keeping his last name he just ain't gonna be running in an out of my babies lives.

Nate:he ain't gonna be running at all when I'm done with his punk ass.

Dandre pov
I know y'all wondering why I left her at the altar well let me explain look I love Helena but I love my hoes more bc I can get pussy or head whenever I tell them to give it to me where Lena was always working or helping the kids when we had "us time" she would either be tired or mad at me for cheating like I'm a man you should except that😂,anyway I see she had our son he looks nothing like me I knew that hoe was cheating on me Smdh idgaf about her or those kids shidd I'm going to fuck one of my favorite hoes right now Marissa.


Can y'all believe Dre bitch ass did that to Lena on their wedding day?

Cam and Nate are true friends and a cute ass couple💑.

August 22,2016  2:30pm welcome to the world Jayden Alexander Conway🌟

This is the last chapter of this book I hoped you enjoyed it I really love you guys and the first chapter of "loving my bestfriend" will be up tomorrow morning or afternoon.

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