heey this is my first own made up story so enjoy!! xx TH
every chapter will begin with a quote.
Home is not where you live,
but where they understand you.
Christain Morgenstern
as i was sitting in the car, next to the woman of the child protection. She was driving me to my new home. i just got out of a girl boarding school, i got send there hoping i could learn some maners. hell not that was going to happen. So they 'kicked' me out. i have bind there since i was five, i was a unmanageable child. My 24 year old brother is in the army so he also couldn't have custody, so i was adopted. it was said that the family had 12 children.
'We're here.' the woman next to me in the car said. i looked to the house outside and gasped. this house was a freaking school! How big can a house be these days? a tall man came walking out the door. 'Maria will take your bags inside, just come with me.' she said as we both got out of the car.
'Aislin, honey! Welcome!' the man said as he hugged me, his embrace was warm and comfortable.
'hi, Franklin, right?' i asked him, i met him but i'm terrible with names.
'Frank, come in. My sons aren't home right now, but they'll be here in two hours. You'll have some time to pack out your stuff.' okay, i liked this man. It was great to have a male figure in my live since there have only been woman in my life for 11 years.
'okay.' i said smiling. I saw a woman carrying my bags inside.
'Frank, i'll be back to check on her in two weeks.' the woman from C.P. said.
'Okay, we'll see you then.' he said leading me inside the house. i tought the outside was big? the inside was hughe!
'O MY GOD!' i screamed. 'this is AMAZING!' he laughed he ran a hand trough his dark grey hair.
'We made you a map to not get lost here. We once had to search for one of our guests for two hours until we found him back.' my eyes widened.
'I don't get lost easily. But i want to know if it's true, do you really have 12 kids?' he laughed as we sat down in the living room, or should i say HUGE living room.
'Yes, as it may supprise you it are all boys.' i chocked on my own spit.
'12 boys! you're kidding me! it don't want to hurt you and i apriciate it that you adopted me but...' was i going to ask this, yes i aslways said what i tought. 'why did they place a highly traumatised girl in a house with 12 boys.' he frowned.
'because we were the only ones wanting to adopt a traumatised girl. I am very sorry for what happened to you. You can trust my boys, and if they do anything to hurt you i will kill them.' i was horribly stubborne. when i didn't do what they said a boarding school they would lock me into my room for a day with no food. After that didn't work they would hit me, then they started hitting me with a whip when i wouldn't listen. And the last time i was there, was the day they shot me with a hunting gun. i had to be taken to the hospital, that was where other people found out. my back is full of scars and my legs are bruised all over.
'thank you so much for taking me in.' a tear dropped down my face.
'it's okay, i promise your never going back there.' he wrapped me in his arms and stroke my back.
when he let me go i watched around the living room, there was a huge canvas picture with the twelve boys and their father. i walked over towards it. 'Are this the boys?' i watched the boys one by one. They all had dark hair and light eyes, except for one. One boy had messy blonde hair and blue eyes, just like his father. 'he loooks just like you.' i said when Frank came standig behind me.

Just an Innocent Girl
Teen FictionAislin, a beautifull girl that has been locked down in a all girls boarding school. She got hit and physically abused. Her scars are deep, mental and physically. When see finally gets out of the boarding school she gets adopted by Frank Flinn. Frank...