If I told you...

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If I told you

the things that went on in my head

would you still look at me the same

or would you see me in a new light

If I told you

that I act the way I do because it's

expected from me

would you still think I'm the same person

or that it's never really been me at all

If I told you a blade has kissed my skin

would you still hug me with your arms

kiss my lips with yours

look at me with the same gleam in your eyes

If I told you I'm fine

would you still believe it

If I told you

I don't like singing or dancing

would you be worried for me

or happy that I don't do those annoying things anymore

If I told you

that I'm sorry for being broken

would you forgive me

If I told you

that my smile is fake most of the time

and my laugh is forced

would you be concerned

If I told you

I'm broken beyond repair

would you stay to fix me or leave me

out with the trash where I belong

If I told you

not even my sister could make me want to stay anymore

would you treat me differently

If I told you

that I want to die

would you be nice to me

If you would fight for me

then be worried

then stay to fix me

then see me in a new light

then think that it's never really been me

then hug me in your arms

Torn Apart on my OwnWhere stories live. Discover now