Chapter 25

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D: (y/n) what the hell where did you get that

You: I had a feeling the bitch was gonna try something. I learned that from you.

D: Come here *pulls you close to him*

Melanie: So who to shoot is the question

D: *moves closer to her*

You: Diggy no

D: You have to shoot me or I will kill you. Remember we killed Manny, hes gone, no more of him

Melanie: *pulls the trigger*

You: *scream* no

D: What happened? Im still alive

Melanie: *pulls it again*

D: That's one thing your uncle didn't teach you the weight of a gun with bullets in it and one without *wraps his arm around you* see my girl is being nice she would've shot you a long time ago I suggest you leave and never come back before she changes her mind

Melanie: *gets in her car* *leaves*

You: Ugh *put your gun on the table* *go backupstairs* *take off your pants* *get back in the bed* 

D: *gets in the bed* *holds you* youre really ride or die aint you *kisses your cheek*

You: That's right nobody messes with my baby but me

D: *feels between your thigh*

You: No, how are you already in honeymoon phase

D: *gets on top of you* *kisses you* I just wanna wear you out

You: As sexy as that sounds I have places to be *pat his butt* so come on move it

D: On a Sunday where do you have to go

You: Church maybe and you laying on top of me trying to get it in is just messing me up *smile*

D: Church? Whens the last time you've been to church

You: Like a week

Diggy: *looks at you crazy*

You: Okay a year

D: *keeps looking at you*

You: And a half

D: You just pulled out a gun and you wanna go to church

You: Madea carries one in her purse so leave me alone

D: Oh so now you a gospel gangsta *chuckles*

You: *laugh*

D: Come on babe *kisses your neck*

Mom: *comes upstairs* baby

You: *pull away from Diggy* yeah mom

Mom: Its almost 11 and youre still in bed

You: Yeah what are you doing here

D: *feels between your thighs*

You: *try to move his hand*

Mom: I thought Id stop by and hang out here for a while

You: Oh okay *try to move his hand*

Mom: So last night was fun and judging by the room you had another party *picks up a rose petal*

You: *bite your lip* Mommy *shake your head* no

Mom: You okay baby

You: *nod* *take your pillow* *put your face in it*

D: *chuckles* *moves his hand*

Mom: Oh I get it Im ruining your QT

You: No Im just tired stay as long as you want

Mom: OkayIll be downstairs *goes downstairs*

You: You are not funny

D: *gets on top of you*

You: *talk low* Diggy move my mom is right out there

Mom: Oh and do you *peeks in the room* nevermind *goes downstairs* (y/n) come here now

You: *shove Diggy*

D: *laughs*

You: *go downstairs*

D: *follows behind you*

Mom: Whats this

You: That's a gun mommy where did you get that from

Mom: Don't play stupid it was on the table and I wanna know what its doing in this house

You/Diggy: *look at each other*

Mom: Well?

You: Its for emergencies only

Mom: Emergencies?

You: Yeah like break ins and stuff

Mom: I guess Ill let it slide. Im leaving Im going to see your aunt Ill call you later *leaves*

D: *wraps your legs around him*

You: You just wanna get me pregnant don't you

D: Yup *sucks your neck*

*8 Months Later*

You: *walk down the aisle*

Diggy: *sheds tears*

Jaden: *walks in halfway through the ceremony*    

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