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Hermione stepped into the Great Hall arm in arm with Ron. She wore a raspberry-coloured gown she'd picked out over Christmas, and Ron looked brilliant in his new dress robes -- which she'd also picked out (unbeknownst to Mrs Weasley). There were zero ruffles of old lace in sight. Thank Merlin.

"Hey!" Dean called, waving them over to where he stood sipping a Butterbeer with Seamus, Pansy, Blaise, and Parvati.

Hermione waved, Ron followed suit, and they made their way over.

"McGonagall sure loves a fancy party," Ron said, looking all around.

Hermione had to admit that the professor had truly outdone herself this time. The charmed sky was indigo night with brilliant lavender and green stars. Streamers rained slowly down in all the House colours. Candles levitated and danced warm light all around. She'd even hired Bloodroot as the band. Not that they would have been Hermione's first choice, but one couldn't be so picky.

It was all so beautiful and extravagant and... final.

"I can't believe this is our last night here," she sighed. Ron's arm tightened around her waist, and they shared a sad smile.

"Butterbeer?" Blaise offered, and they each took one.

Hermione stood and took it all in for a few minutes, watching Ned dance with Astoria Greengrass in the middle of the floor. A few moments later, Luna and Millicent floated by. Padma, Goldstein, Hannah, and a host of others had formed a circle in which some atrocious dancing took place. Hermione smiled.

"So, Weasley," Pansy shouted over the music, leaning in. "Is it true you're going to work with your brother?"

Hermione's stomach immediately tightened. The sound of Pansy's voice still had that effect on her, even if she hadn't been significantly horrid in weeks.

"Yeah. I start in a month." Ron nodded. Hermione reached down and laced her fingers through his.

"And you, Granger? What did you decide on?"

"Oh, erm, I received a scholarship," she confided against her better judgement. "To the Griselda Marchbanks School of Wizarding Law." She waited for the snide remark.

"Holy fuck, Granger! Good for you!"

"Thanks!" Hermione said, relieved. Perhaps it was safe to talk with Pansy Parkinson without fear of either spontaneous cruel humour or hexes flying about after all. "And you, Pansy? What are your plans?"

She shrugged. "Shag the life out of this one all summer," she said, nudging Seamus so hard he spilled his drink. "Then... Well, I'm not sure. Maybe travel. I've always wanted to see America."

"Yeah, baby, let's go learn to surf in California!"

"It's Kansas, you idiot. And don't call me that!"

A moderate row broke out. Hermione tugged on Ron's hand, and they inched away.

Neville and Ginny came off the dance floor panting.

"Gin!" Ron said. "Congrats on the Quidditch Cup!"

"Thank you!" She beamed. "I owe it all to Cordelia or else Ravenclaw would have taken it easily."

"Good Keepers are hard to find." Ron nodded.

Ginny punched him in the arm. "Yeah, but you were all right."

"You're more than all right, newest Chaser for the Hollyhead Harpies." He nudged her with his elbow.

"Yes, that's brilliant, Ginny!" Hermione said. "And you look amazing, by the way." Ginny wore a strapless dress that showed off her dauntingly strong arms, and it was clear she was more than ready to handle any Quaffle thrown at her. "And Neville," Hermione added. "Congratulations on becoming Herbology apprentice professor!"

He nodded and shuffled his feet. Ginny beamed even brighter.

"I guess you and Harry will be seeing a lot of each other next year." Hermione sipped her Butterbeer.

"Yeah, that's so cool he'll be teaching, too! Where is he? Have you seen him?"

Hermione scanned the room. Ron peered around as well, and Hermione checked her watch. "What do you suppose is taking him so long?"

"I don't know. He was still getting dressed when I came down," Ron said.

Hermione frowned. "And the other one? Where was he?"

"Uh, come to think of it, I don't know."

They looked at each other. The dawning comprehension made Hermione smirk. She saw the same recognition in Ron's eyes.

"Those tossers," he said.

"What?" Neville asked.

But Hermione just smiled. "I'm sure they'll make it eventually." She hugged Ron to her tightly and stared up into the magical night sky. Ron pressed a warm kiss to the shell of her ear, and she shivered.

A silver comet passed overheard.

no title

Draco's hair whipped back with the wind, and Harry clutched his seat and shouted over the rushing noise of it. "Merlin, fuck, Draco, how fast are you going?" Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Draco's foot press down further on the pedal.

"Do you really care, Potter? Merlin's tits, we're flying!"

Draco slowed just enough to take a corner, and then the trees fell away on the ocean side of the car. All of a sudden there was only water, rising in cresting waves and washing ashore with a booming crash. The setting sun glinted orange and pink off the spindrift, and Draco gunned the engine, taking Harry's car fast down a shallow hill.

"You're mad!" Harry shouted at him.

Draco only grinned and bit his lip, hands tight on the wheel.

Seagulls winged overhead, and Harry let himself relax, leaning his head back against the seat. He'd put nearly a dozen charms on the car this time. They were perfectly safe, even though Draco seemed to think he could treat the vehicle like a broom despite having never driven before.

Harry turned his head on the seat and looked at his boyfriend, smiling, an easy laugh ready on his lips. He let his gaze wander Draco's body, lingering on how his arms looked tensed like that, the muscles hard. Harry'd got him to wear one of his t-shirts and a pair of his jeans, and he looked indecently hot to say the least.

He was also wearing the expensive tie Harry had bought him for Christmas and finally presented to him before they'd decided to bugger off the Ball. It was knotted perfectly at his throat, absurd with his casual attire -- and bloody sexy.

But more than that, Draco looked happy.

Harry rested an arm behind Draco's seat and watched his profile.

Draco turned his head and saw Harry staring. "Want to find a good tree?" he asked, smirking.

Harry nodded, breaking into his own smile. "We have a couple of hours before they send out a search party, I think."

Draco waggled his eyebrows.

Harry's robe, his dress robe, which he'd discarded to the backseat before they'd taken off on their little impromptu adventure, got picked up by the wind and tossed around for a moment. Harry turned to grab it, but before he could get his hands on it, it went flying right out the window.

"Shit," Harry said, watching it float and tumble away.

Then he laughed -- because everything was fine. It was all fine.

He rested his head back again as Draco sped them down the road. He played with the ends of Draco's soft hair.

Harry closed his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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