Chapter 2 ( the secret)

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I got in to see my whole house with new funiture AND some extra stuff AND it smells good! "helloooo" my boyfriend said. " YOU did all this while I was gone!?" I asked suprised." running into his strong arms. " yes i did" he whispered in my ear . o giggled . I looked up into his eyes AND we leaned in AND his soft, líos touched mine , but I dont remember putting on bubblegum flavored lipgloss. mmmmm.... I thought. I stoped cause I felt something was wrong. thanks riker, im going to go pack.

Riker's POV

" thanks riker, i'm going to pack" she said with a look on her face. i feel so guilty right now. i was also with shyla at T.G.I Fridays and mackenzie thinks i broke up with her. but i know shyla did not mean what she said. i decided to do something romantic for her since she is probably getting on my case.

Britt's POV

i know riker's secret. he's been cheating all this time, and since im evil i dont care at all.

Shyla's POV

that little slut thinks i broke up with him! and he still thinks i didnt cheat! wow my life is great. then my phone rang. Riker!

* convo* s

S- hey babe!

r- hey babe what are u doing?

s- nothing just watching tv  I lied I was actually over my other boyfriends house

r- okay well i'm taking Mackenzie on a date cause she's getting on our case! he yelled

s- where?

r- steak house

s- okay bring me back something too!

r- okay babe bye!

s- bye

then we hung up! I was so jealous of her right now. but how come he never does that with me? I kept thinking.

Mackenzie's POV

I was about to cry. he was cheating on me this whole time, and I was too blind by love to see it! I thought. I then ran out to the back of our condo where there was a tree and a tire swing, that swings over a small lake. I come here when i'm mad or confused. I sat there swinging slightly over the lake with my dress touching the water slightly and my long hair blowing in the wind. I know it sounds like a movie seen but it's not, i'm just so so , MAD! I TRUSTED HIM WITH MY HEART! AND NOW I DON'T.

Abby's POV

I was walking to Mackenzie's when I got this feeling in my gut that something was wrong. so when I got there I went in the back where Mackenzie was sitting.. on her tire swing. " hey" i said slowly. " what's wrong" i asked. " it's riker" she yelled. " sorry" she said quietly. " no it's fine, what did he do?" i asked  curiously. " he, he cheated on me"

  she whisperd. " with who?" i said sadly. " i don't know, all i know is what i heard from his conversation earlyer in our room" she told me. " well let's go to the bar" i suggested. " okay then" she said looking like she really wanted one. We got there like 5 mins later.... " c'mon" i said. we went in and there was guys with girls on the floor dancing and grinding on each other and tons of people in the Rip we went to the bar and ordered some shots first.

Riker's POV

i wonder we're mack went. i went out of our room to find nothing. so i decided to call a couple of girls over and have a little fun!

mackenzie's POV

we went to the bar and had a couple of shouts. after three my throat was burning for more.  so i got whole case of beer and chugged it down with abby. by then i was drunk. we walked home by then cause it was late and i was drunk and tired. and i'm suprised i made home but ittook a bunch of trips and stumbles. when i got in i seen riker on MY COUCH! getting blow jobs by girls but i am too tired i don'tcare anymore. so i slammed the door he saw me and knew i am drunk and put on a shocked face. i stumpled passed him and into our bedroom then passed out.

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