Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Warning/s: none that I can think of.

Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is a little late - my beta has been ill recently so she wasn't able to check this chapter over as quickly as she usually does. I hope you're all enjoying the story so far, and I hope you still like this story! Please leave me some feedback so I know what you think of the story xx

Merlin opened his eyes and stared upwards, expecting to see his ceiling. He saw instead an endless stretch of pure white, which shifted upwards and downwards. It seemed to be suffocating Merlin one moment, and then the next he had an almost despairing sense of agoraphobia. He sat up slowly and looked around him.

He swallowed his fear. All around him were those strange, horrifying creatures from his dreams. They weren't paying any attention to him, but they were there nonetheless. Merlin wondered whether he was in the dream again – but he remembered the agony of getting to this place, and deduced that it was more than likely that this was reality.

Emrys, a voice hissed into his mind. Merlin turned his head so abruptly that his neck twanged in protest. Instinctively he stood up to face the creature that was coming towards him.

Relax, the thing insisted. I mean you no harm. I wish for you to help us.

The creature was composed entirely out of a sand-like substance, and shaped like a deformed deer. It walked in an awkward hobble, but with a strange kind of grace, and it was a dull red in colour. Most interestingly, when the thing spoke, its mouth opened and closed and moved just like Merlin's would, but the words came directly into his mind.

"What are you?" Merlin asked, his breathing quicker than normal and a little panicked. "What do you want?"

Emrys, please, the thing pleaded. You are now in a different realm to your own. We rule your world, your mortal world, and recently...we have suffered. And if we suffer, you suffer.

"How do you mean?"

There uprising, for lack of a better term, the creature admitted. There is a strict hierarchy here and some of those in the lower rungs – though not mis-treated – felt like they were not given a fair deal and mutinied. It created havoc. The order of our world has now fallen into disarray, and if it is not repaired soon, your world will too. The creature lifted a single, blue eye to gaze at Merlin. You, Emrys, are the only one that can help us.

Merlin glanced around himself nervously, swallowing. "What has gone wrong?" he asked cautiously.

When the lower classes revolted, those higher up panicked and instead of keeping a fair hold on the elements of your world, they clutched onto them, afraid of losing them.

"Elements?" Merlin queried.

Such as the weather. We – me and the other Elemental Leaders – control the weather, food, water, and natural order of your world. But now it has started to fall apart.

"Is that the reason for the storm? And why it was so long?" Merlin was beginning to accept what it was telling him now.

Yes, Emrys. I am glad you are understanding. The creature shook itself suddenly and expanded, growing to around three times its size. I must show you some things. Please sit on my back and I will take you.

Merlin stared at it apprehensively. He was only just beginning to give this thing some credit and definitely didn't trust it enough to let it give him a ride. But then again, he didn't see what choice he had, so he walked over to the thing. "Do you have a name?" he asked as he staggered over to the creature. The ground was moving underneath his feet, threatening to dislodge him.

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