You're son/daughter swears

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Charlie; You and Charlie where at the five guys with your 6 year old daughter aimee and the other over Atlantic boys. You and Charlie seen your daughter was arguing with Sean and Liam while the other two watched in amusement at how sassy aimée was for only being 6. You asked Charlie if he could go see what she was arguing about as you were ordering everyone's food. 10 minutes later You had finished ordering and went and sat down with everyone's food. The table went you,aimée, Charlie and Sean on one side and Gabe, Trevor and Liam on the other. Everyone was busy eating their food when a little voice said "Fuck Sake". Everyone around you at the table were shocked at what you're daughter had said. So you told Charlie you'd take her to the car but Charlie insisted he would. Charlie lifted aimée from her chair which resulted into her screaming and crying. You watched Charlie and aimée exit 5 guys and you turned back around and awkwardly apologised to the boys for your daughters behaviour. " hey y/n don't worry about it, it wasn't you're fault" and that's when you started crying all the boys crowded you and asked why you were crying "you all probably think I'm a bad mother" you said wiping away you're tears "no we don't" Sean said smiling. You all got you're jackets and left to see a pissed off Charlie and a sleeping aimée in the car, You said you're goodbyes to Liam,Trevor and Gabe as they got into Liam's car and you said you'd see them at the house, whilst Sean got in the back careful not to wake up aimée. "You alright Chaz" you whispered to Charlie "yeah I'm fine babe" he said grabbing you're hand with his free one

Gabe; Gabe was in the Garage recording a cover with the boys when they decided to take a break he heard your 8 year old son Ryan shout "Shit" Gabe was so shocked at what your son had just said so he decided he'd run up the stairs to see what happened. "Y/N" he shouted asking for you to come up the stairs. You ran up as quickly as you could and asked Gabe "whats up babe?" After he told you what your son had said you were shocked because one of you're rules was no swearing and he broke the rule. You and Gabe walked right up to your sons bedroom door and opened it scaring him. Gabe said "ipad now!" "What?! I haven't done anything wrong" "Ryan give me the iPad now!" Gabe said getting angrier "Fine but I've done nothing wrong dad" then you joined in " oh you didn't do anything ry? then what was the swear word we heard you saying" your son then went bright red and went to speak but you interrupted him by waving his iPad saying "your grounded for 2 weeks and your not getting this back until me and your dad say so is that clear?" he didn't reply so you raised you voice higher than usual "i said is that clear?!" "yes mum" "thats what i thought" and with that you and Gabe left his room so Gabe could continue practice.

Sean; you and You're 7 year old daughter Lottie had decided to go visit Sean and the boys. You had already text Sean saying you're were coming and also you had a very annoyed/upset 7 year old with you. You eventually got to the house when all the boys greeted you and you all sat outside on the porch. Lottie was sitting down playing with Dakota one of the dogs at the house. Sean then spoke to his daughter "Lottie sweetheart pet the dog more gently you're being a bit rough" but she just looked at him and looked back at the dog and began petting it rougher than before. You let out a sigh as Sean got up to go talk to her. "she's been like this all day and it's beginning to piss me off" I said as all the boys watched Sean "Y/n" Sean said "come here". You got up and walked over to Lottie and Sean when Sean lifted Lottie and took her inside and into his room as you followed. Sean set Lottie on his bed and said "Lottie you do one more wrong thing you're being put on the naughty step and after you're times up mummy will take you home" Sean said sternly "mummy's a bitch anyways" Sean looked at you're daughter and you ran out of the room and out to the boys and sat down not saying a thing, "she hates me" I said not making Eye contact with any of them "why what's up?" Charlie said hugging me " she just told Sean I'm a bitch" "don't worry it'll be ok y/n" Gabe said smiling " I hope so"
Y/n ran out of the room so I shut the door and turned to Lottie. "Lottie Felicity Rose Killeen you don't ever call you're mother a bitch again are we clear?" "Lottie, don't make me spank you" and the next thing was she stuck her tongue out at me. " okay then, you're getting spanked and put on the naughty step" I said lifting her up and setting her on the ground pulling down her trousers (don't get dirty minded pls😂) and spanked her twice (lol) "NO, DADDY STOP" she cried as I pulled up her trousers again, "well don't be rude to you're mummy, you're doing 15 minutes naughty step! You move and you get spanked again!! Am I clear?" I questioned "crystal" she replied wiping away her tears as I gave her a hug.

Liam; You and Liam where at the beach with your 6 year old daughter Lola and Gabe. You and Liam seen your daughter fighting with a little boy you asked Liam if he could go sort it out as you were having a discussion with Gabe about drums as you're brother is the drummer for the vamps. You then decided you would go over with Liam to tell Lola to stop fighting with The little boy so Liam asked Gabe to come with you guys as it was unfair for him to sit by himself. Liam and you went over to Lola and Liam said to her "stop fighting with that little boy or me and mummy are taking you home and putting you to bed" lola just looked at Liam and shouted "fuck you" and she ran off. You and Liam were shocked at what you're daughter had just said so you told Liam to go and get lola and you'd pack up you're things. You had gotten all you're things and put them in the car. You seen an angry Liam walking with Gabe and Liam was carrying a crying 6 year old, he put Lola in her car seat and got into the car. You had got in the car before Liam and Gabe so you started telling the 6 year old off "you are not allowed to swear young lady, you need to apologise to your dad and Gabe! you won't be having your elsa doll when you get home either" as soon as you mentioned the elsa doll she started screaming and crying

Trevor; you had gone to work and you had left Trevor alone with yours and his 11 year old twin daughters Savannah-Rose and Tasha . The twins were slapping each other when Trevor walked in "girls stop slapping each other, naughty step 10 minutes each" Tasha then stated "no she started it dad so she should be on the naughty step herself" "I don't care who started it,both of you naughty step now" Trevor then replied back. Savannah-Rose then turned to her sister and said "your such a bitch" Trevor looked at his daughter and shouted "30 minutes naughty step for you Savannah-Rose!!That language is not allowed to be used in this house do you understand?!" "Yes dad" she replied sadly "you have 5 seconds to get to the naughty step 1...2..." "Okay dad were going, were going" When you came home you were so surprised at what Trevor was telling you and that evening wasn't the happiest evening you're family had

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