Chapter 1: Team Shadow

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[(A/N): Hey Guys! A quick not here.

(C/N) = Codename

So pick a cool one!]

I sat atop the roof across from our target location, an old abandoned warehouse which was currently being used as a White Fang ralling point. I turned to the grey haired wolf faunas beside me.

Me: "Ghost, I want you to get inside the building and get me a good picture of what's going on, meaning a list of enemies, weapons, anything of interest."

Ghost wore his casual clothes today, seeing as if he went in with his black cloak, and stealth gear he might attract attention.

Ghost: "Why can't someone else do it? I mean Smoke is good with infiltration."

He whined.

Me: "Because he's human, you're the only faunas on the team. And I don't think they'll be fooled by a pair of fake cat ears."

Ghost: "Fine."

He hopped down, off the building.

Me: "Smoke, I want you nearby encase something goes wrong, you take your pick of the entry point."

The black haired boy nodded. He wore a black long sleeve with throwing knives in holsters all over it, along with black pants and combat boots.

Smoke: "Got it."

He spoke through his cloth mask that covered his nose, mouth, and chin.

Me: "And Dark, you stay with me like usual."

The dark brown haired boy cracked his neck. He wore a black trench coat with casual clothes underneath.

Dark: "Right."

I looked through the scope of my sniper rifle and watched Ghost grab a mask and enter the building. My vision was limited inside. Most of the windows were boarded up, so I had to rely on Ghost, but I couldn't cover him.

Ghost: "The rally is starting. I've counted twenty-plus White Fang soldiers. Armed with either swords or assault rifles. You're not gonna believe who's here though."

Ghost spoke through the com.

Me: "Cut the dramatic, suspense stuff, who?"

Ghost: "Roman Torchwick."

Me: "Torchwick? What the hell?"

Ghost: "Oh... Holy.... Shit..."

Me: "What?"

Ghost: "They have a paladin..."

Me: "How the hell do they have a paladin? I don't remember hearing about any of them missing."

Ghost: "Yeah, well they have one. Although they spray painted some stuff on it. It actually kinda makes it look cooler."

Me: "No time to admire their painting skills Ghost, come on out, we'll have to rethink this."

Ghost: "Got it."

Me: "Dark, get my 20mm for me."

He walked behind us and picked up a large case as if it weighted nothing. I disassembled my normal rifle and put it away in its case then started putting together the 20mm.

Ghost: "(C/N), we've got a problem."

Me: "What is it?"

Suddenly two people ran away from the building, then the paladin burst through a wall and chased them.

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