Chapter 9: The Waiting Game

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[DreadShot's POV, One Week Later]

I was currently out looking for a new weapon. Over the past week I couldn't get Marksman out of my head, I've been trying to pick out a new rifle that uses actual ammo instead of power cells. I looked through the selection and my eyes came across a high tech rifle with blue accents. I got the shop owners attention and he opened the case, allowing me to inspect it. It had a digital optic scope, which included a night vision setting and a few aiming diagnostics. I smiled and told the owner I would take it. After paying for the rifle I left and started walking back to Beacon to use the shooting range. But then I stopped and looked down the opposite direction of the road, the direction of the in town shooting range I met Marksman at.

Me: 'Maybe he'll be there....'

[Time Skip, To the Shooting Range]

As soon as I walked through the door i could hear the sound of him shooting. It was unmistakable honestly, a rifle being fired at that fast yet constant pace could only be him. I nearly ran to the range and saw him. Only, his mask was sitting on the counter at his stall, I recognized him by the cloak and rifle.

Me: "Hey Marksman!"

Suddenly he put his mask on and turned to me.

Marksman: "Hm?"

Me: "Fancy seeing you here."

Marksman: "Not really. This is basically my home away from home."

Me: "Wow, you must really like practicing."

Marksman: "I suppose. Now, if you'll excuse me."

He went to walk away but I grabbed him by the arm.

Me: "Hey wait! Maybe we can go do something together?"

[(C/N)'s POV]

I looked at the girl that held my arm.

Me: "I guess that could be fun. What's your name?"

I lied. No matter how much I don't like it I have to play along. Cinder had told me to get close to this girl, let her trust me, then we can move forward with the plan. DreadShot smiled at me.

DreadShot: "Oh! I'm DreadShot."

Me: "Well, its nice to meet you. So what do you want to do?"

DreadShot: "Well I heard there's this cool paintball place in town, it seems perfect for us!"

Me: "Sounds good."

Me: 'This is gonna be a long day.'

[Time Skip, Brought to You By Chibi (C/N) Holding a Tub of Ice Cream Above His Head As Neo Tries to Get It]

We arrived at the paintball field and looked around. We had to go through a building and now we were in a fenced in area. The area had metal barrels, large shipping containers, and other random objects as cover. DreadShot decided we'd be on a team against another group who were supposedly professional players. Though I didn't like the thought of being on a team with her, I agreed so that I would stick to the plan. We waited on the opposite side of the field and waited for the busser to signal that the match started. Soon the busser sounded and DreadShot and I ran forward. I held a handgun-like paintball gun while DreadShot had a rifle. I slid behind cover and listened for a moment, but heard nothing. I peeked from behind the shipping container and saw a open area, aka the best place for an ambush. I took a deep breath and moved from behind cover, I then slowly walked into the open area. Almost instantly I heard someone fire. I quickly leaned back, dodging a shot, then without missing a beat I aimed my pistol at the source and fired, hitting an opponent who was hiding behind a barrel in the forehead. Without turning to DreadShot I spoke in a calm voice.

Me: "4 o'clock."

She quickly turned and fired, hitting the man in the chest.

Me: "Two left, stick close and listen carefully."

DreadShot: "You're really good at this, have you played paintball before?"

Me: "No. but something a little like it, only with more risk."

We waited in the opening, I knew they were hiding just looking for an opportunity. I sighed as I noticed something from the corner of my eye.

Me: "I swear, this is why I hate rookies."

Without turning to face the new threat I aimed at him, but he already shot at me. I fired my own shot and made the two paintballs collide, making them both burst. I then fired again and hit him in the forehead.

Me: "Last one."

I aimed over my shoulder and fired. The last enemy was trying to sneak up on us, but unfortunately for him I've been practicing my semblance for months without end, I don't really even need to see my target to hit it. The busser rang once more, signaling the end of the match.

DreadShot: "That was so cool! You're the best marksman I've ever seen!"

Me: "Glad you think so. Anyway we should go, I've gotta head back home."

DreadShot: "Oh... okay..."

[Time Skip, Brought to You By Chibi (C/N) Carrying Neo On His Shoulders]

I finally got back to the warehouse, where Neo was there to greet me.

Neo: "Have fun?"

She wrote on her notepad.

Me: "Trust me, it exhausts me just being around that girl. But I have to."

Neo: "I know, but just think Cinder said you're wait is almost up. It turns out your old team is snooping around too much."

Me: "So that means..."

Neo: "Yup, you finally get your revenge."

I chuckled.

Me: "Finally."

Neo: "Now come on. Let's get some rest, we have a job tomorrow."

Me: "Sounds good to me."

I took of my mask and smiled at Neo. She walked up to me and grabbed my hand, then we walked towards our room.

Me: 'I never thought it'd come to this, but I don't feel remorse for my choice... and I honestly couldn't be happier with Neo.'

[Neo's POV]

Me: 'At first I thought I'd feel bad for lying to him... That his team wanted to save him, but couldn't. But now, he seems so happy, plus I get to keep him with me even after Beacon falls.'

I smiled to myself as we reached our room and went inside.

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