Sabriel: Angel Prison

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Sam and Dean drove down the freeway, it was around midnight and they we're heading back to the bunker. They had just finished a case and they were exhausted.

"Hey Dee, I have a question."
Sam asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" Dean replied still watching the road while he drove. "When will you admit it?" Dean glanced at Sam in confusion.

"Admit what?"

"That you love him."

"Love who?"

"Castiel. I know you have feelings fo-" Sam was cut off by Deans hand that had lightly slapped him in the face. Sam rubbed his face but chuckled.  "Shut your face Sammy!" Dean put his hand back on the wheel.

"Fine. Don't admit it, but doesn't mean it's not true." Dean said nothing. Instead he looked towards his window and smirked.

When Dean looked back at the road in front of him he swirved the Impala to the left and stopped. There was a man lying in the road. Sam and Dean glanced at each other then jumped out of the car. Sam went straight towards the man but Dean went to the trunk to grab a gun.

Sam reaches the man first and stood in shock. It was Gabriel the Archangel. But he had died trying to kill Lucifer. Apparently those  resources were incorrect.

Gabriel lay there, blood all over, a gash on his face and scratched among his arms. His green jacket lying beside him. That stupid green jacket. I missed that jacket. Sam thought to himself.

Sam finally reacted and checked Gabe's pulse, he was breathing, just passed out. Sam picked him up (bridal style- oh yeah you betch'ya) and turned around to see Dean smirking with a gun in one hand and an knife in the other. He turned around and they all went towards the Impala.

When Gabriel woke up he was laying on a couch back at the bunker. He tried to sit up but failed to due to the pain in his lower back. He screeched and fell back into the couch. Sam ran into the living room and attended to Gabriel's wounds.

"How are you feeling?" Sam asked quietly.

"Like hell. Without the fire. And Lucifer. And demons and I should shut up." Gabriel awkwardly goes quiet but Sam chuckles.

"It's okay Gabe. I did ask you a question and you answered it." Sam was cleaning the bandages on Gabriel's arm. He looked up at Gabriel and smiled and Gabe flashed one too.

They were silent for a while. It's not like there was anything to talk about other then welhere the hell has Gabriel been then passed few years and what trouble Sam has caused but neither of them cared. Gabiel already knows about everything Sam has done in the last few years.

"Son you mind explaining to us where the he'll you've been?" Dean asked as he walked in on the deadly silence.

"Uh. Angel prison. You know, a prison in heaven where you get beat to death for whatever reasons. You know, all good and things." Gabriel replied sarcastically.

"Why were you in there?" Sam made his way into the conversation still fixing some bandages on Gabe's arm.

"For protecting you Sammy." Gabriel replied with the straightest face he had and without emotion in his voice.

Sam stopped what he was doing and look at Gabriel. They stared into eachtothers eyes while Sam said nothing. He opened his mouth to speak but Dean scoffed and started to walk out of the room.

"Dude, how much gayer can you get?" Dean exclaimed and walked to his bedroom.

"Keep talking Dean-O! You and I both know you're fucking my little brother!" Gabriel yelled back only to hear Dean started blabbing back and Sam turn to Gabriel and scolded him.

Gabriel only grinned and tried his best to sit up straight. He succeeded with Sam's help.

"You know Sammy I missed ya." Gabriel's smirk turned to a slight smile.

"And I missed you." Sam didn't smile. He only leaned across the couch and collapsed his lips with Gabriel's.

Gabriel was caught by surprise but closed his eyes and went with it.

Dean walked back into the living room. He had pie in his hands and he was going to go exclaim about it to Sam only to walk in on Gabe and Sam making out.

"Fucks sake guys, I left for five minutes!" Dean merely screamed, dropping the pie and raising his hands in confusion.

Sam and Gabriel pulled away and looked at Dean.

Gabriel did the only thing he knew how to do best. He snapped his fingers and Sam and Gabriel disappeared to a bedroom. 

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