Part III - The Island's Wrath

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Two fireflies fluttered by, twirling like dancers down the river. They dipped near the frothy white waters and the tips of their wings graced the surface. I laughed joyfully as they zoomed back my way, spun around me, and flitted back down the way they came. I envied them; free to roam as they pleased, not trapped on this island as I was. Although they would not have made it far, they could travel across the salty sea and escape the isolated land.

I let my eyes unfocus as I gazed at the bubbly rapids, booming in the distance. The sound of the cascading waterfall filled my other ear, and the spiteful mist folded itself around me like a chilly blanket. Above me, the sky exploded with gold and coral as the sun was lifted into the sky. But, as the sun was going up, I was falling the other way. My eyes struggled in a never ending battle to stay open, slumber beckoning me to its lair. I irrationally followed, its sweet, cunning words dragging me closer, closer, closer . . .

Violent flashes flooded my eyes. The sky rumbled as monstrous clouds quickly rolled over the island. Strong winds fought over my sleep-induced body; a game of tug of war. I tried to stand up, but was knocked down by the ripping waves rushing down the frenzied river. Rain splashed on my tan skin creating a muddy film across it. I twisted around to see if the others were fine and a sharp pain shot up my back. I moaned to myself and tried yet again to slowly ease up off the river side. Sand was blown into the air, whipping my skin and leaving it raw. I shielded my eyes so I could locate the others. They all slept on the ground before me--sweet and content. I began screaming their names to warn them of the storm but I received no response.  Looking around for somewhere to shelter myself, I noticed a small indent in the rocky cliffs extending above the river. It was roughly half way up and the only place I could find in the low visibility. I gripped a narrow ledge above me and hoisted myself onto it, continuing up to another. My hands and feet ached from the sharp rock, and my arms and legs wobbled under the pressure. One more lift and I’d be there. The sandstone underneath my palms crumbled, making my hands slide off the rim. No audible sound escaped my mouth but I could feel the pressure in my chest. It was painful. As I tumbled to the ground below me, tears--mostly from the sand in my eyes-- rolled down my face and everything went black.

I woke up to a cold sweat forming on my forehead. My heart relayed like a racehorse and my breathing was rapid. Sand fell into my eyes from my untamed hair as I sat up, observing my surroundings. Birds tweeted high in the jungle trees and everything seemed calm like it had before. I took a deep breath, stood up,  and made my way to the others who sat in a circle talking.

“We thought you’d never join us,” remarked Tori, settled on the girl’s suitcase.

“Well, I’m here,” I smiled and took a seat between her and Nathan, who took my hand in his. I felt my cheeks blush as I smiled sheepishly at him.  

“We were just talking about how we need someway to go down the river,” Aarzoo informed me, “but we’re torn between trying to build a raft or just letting the current float us down.”

“Can’t we just walk?” I ask.

“Besides walking. It takes too much out of you. We need to conserve energy.”

Jared grunted and stuck his hand out in front of me. “Berry?” He sounded a little crazed and he tilted from side to side like an impatient child..

“No, Jared, that’s nightlock! You’ll be dead in a minute!” Nathan exclaimed and smacked the dark berries into the sand.

An annoyed expression slid across Jared’s face and he grunted again.

“I hope you ate one of those,” said Tori, rolling her eyes.

“Too bad, I didn’t.” Jared insisted, crossing his arms. Tori sighed, rubbed her temples,  and went back to business.

Aarzoo continued. “We are leaning more towards making a raft.”

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