A Little Light

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A little girl holding a little light,
Trying to fight off the darkness that creeps into her mind each night

She is exhausted, her mind is beat
The comforting idea of sleep offers for her no retreat

Because for her there is no escape from these waking nightmarish dreams,
Filled with death and hellish screams

There is nothing she can do,
Nothing for herself, nothing for you

Nothing she can do, not without the little light,
The one that keeps her safe in bed each night

And maybe you, the reader, haven't realized this just yet,
But the darkness and the light represent the ongoing battle of thoughts inside the mind of the little girl, and the stage has been set

The darkness: her doubts and fears,
The little light: the hope she holds for the future, it is what tells her what she needs to hear

And what she needs to hear,
Is that she is worth something to the people that are near

She needs to hear that she is beautiful,
And that that fact is indisputable

Because she can't look into a mirror and see herself as she is truly,
She sees fat and hair that is unruly

And what she can't see,
Is that she is gorgeous, to both you and me

And in the end, all she really wants to hear,
Is that she is enough, and has nothing to fear.

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