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Funny how lyrics,
aren't just words.
Funny how words,
actually hurt.

'Think I left the faucet running,
now my words are filling up the tub. '

Funny how stanzas,
speak the truth.
Funny how music,
strums up emotions.

'I'm tired of being  careful,                                                                                                                                                                                     tiptoe trying to keep the water warm. '

Funny how we,
don't always say what we mean.
Funny how we,
don't always watch what we say.

' Let me under your skin.
Uh-oh, there it goes said to much it overflowed. Why do I always spill? '

Funny how we,
make decisions.
Funny how our,
records aren't clean.

'Feel it coming up my throat guess I better wash my mouth out with soap.

God I wish I never spoke Now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap. '

Funny how a smile,
is sometimes a mask.
Funny how we,
play a role so well.

'Should've never said the word love, threw a toaster in the bathtub.

I'm sick of all the games I have to play.'

Funny how we can,
prematurely end,
Things that never began.
funny how we're done.

'Now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap.'

Antidepressants (Outcast Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now