Danger ahead

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Jordan's POV:

Once we strolled and we shared pieces of our childhoods with each other, and learned more about each other it made the night just as much as mroe magical as all to begin with.

"Wow, a vegetarian. I would've never guessed i mean cause your family always eats meat."

"Yeah well im the only one so alot of people dont know. But you do now."

He laughed, gosh his laugh was so cute and addictive. If i had his laugh on a recording I'd replay it all night to put me to sleep. Then he asked me something, "Im sorry repeat that again?"

"Oh was that to off subject for you?"

"Well i wouldnt know, to be honest your laugh and face distracted me."

"Im gonna hope thats a compliment," He smiled and i wanted to melt.

"It was, trust me i was daydreaming over all of it," We both laughed in a melodic unicen. As we walked hand in hand across the beautfiully lit pateo downtown he re asked me his question,

"I said, have you ever had your first kiss before?"

"Look, just because im 18 doesnt mean i havent experienced things?"

"So i'm gonna take that as a no?" He said smiling

All i could do was roll my eyes and smile back and he knew his respose was the truth. Then he stopped me and turned me to him. "Well would it be ok if i was the first to make that happen for you."

At this point in time everything in the world stopped, time, air and movement. I couldnt even breathe i didnt know what to do or say.

"I dont know what to say," I wanted to be honest because thats all i had.

"Then dont," And as soon as he went in for the kiss the buzzer rang startling us both.

He smiled and kissed my cheek, "Dont worry, the night is still young and i still have desert with you too."

I couldnt help but laugh and wrap myself in his arm as he lead me back to the resteraunt where the greeter led us to a table to wait on our waiter. Instead of the traditional setting of sitting across the table. He took my chair for me (like the gentlemen i knew he was) and then pulled his right beside me and held my hand. "Tonight i hope will be the best night of your life."

I smiled, "Fingers crossed, although im hoping that will be my wedding night." We both laughed

"That can happen too,"

I began to wonder what if that did happen. He was charming and i felt his truth in doing so. Maybe i was just overreacting he was known to be a player at times so ive heard. Maybe i should just cool down and see how things go.

Travian's POV:

Her natural glow at this table tonight, in the setting, and all was just to much for me to take in. I wanted her so badly; to just devour her right where we were was what i wished for. but knew i ahd to much respect for her. I was drawn to her like blood is drawn to the body. I felt like i couldnt even let go of her hand because we were perfect for each other. After we sat down i scooted next to her and held her hand. It was amazing.

The waiter came and asked us what we wanted, I told him i wasnt drinking to night i'd just have a sweet tea "Sweetheart, what would you like?" Her new nickname came to me naturally because thats exactly what she was for me...my sweetheart candy.

"I'll take a sprite too, as i know im not allowed to drink." She mumbled low enough just for me to hear as i laughed because legally neither was I.

The waiter left and said he'd be back with drinks and we could choose an appetizer and dinner while we waited. "Was that last part suppose to be smart?"

"Absolutely, and im not smart ; im intelligent baby."

Her reply made me laugh and smile, "So, baby, eh?"

"You gave me a nickname, i just thought to return the favor with the truth."

"So you really dont feel like im your baby? Cause you most certaintly are my sweetheart."

"hmm, as flattering as you are lover boy. I do but i dont know your limits yet so."

"Sweetheart when it comes to you i dont have any limits."

"Pft right, everyone has limits Travi."

"And yours are?"

She laughed and gave me that sparkling smile and beautiful glance with her eyes i die to see, "If i told you i'd have to kill you."

"I wouldnt mind you being the death of me love." She smiled at my reply and squeezed my hand and then looked into my eyes.

"Maybe this isnt where you wanted it to be, but i wouldnt mind trying that kiss again."

I smiled knowing she was still thinking about it but, i held it off, "Oh no sweetheart, the kiss is the finale of the night. This isn't even the beginning yet."

She began to kiss my neck and trail her finger up my chest , "Are you sure baby," She whispered to me making my heart go faster another second.

I coughed a little, "Sweetheart, it seems like you want more than a kiss. And trust me you arent even ready for that part yet."

She smiled on my neck and kissed my jaw. "Your right, but you have time....just like me." I wasnt sure whether she meant the kiss or going back to one of our places together when she said that but it most definately made me want her more.

She reattracted from my neck and sat back in her seat casually and smiled with a confident look. She had a plan i wasn't sure of, but i couldnt wait to see whos was better my finale kiss or her secret plan.

The waiter came back with our drinks and asked what appetizer we should have. Both Jordan and I settled on the authentic thai spring rolls with chilli sauce. We talked about each others interest and hobbies as i became more in love with her with every answer,

"Ok so let me get this straight, you have 4brothers and one sister."

"Yup, my sister even though she and i are a year apart and you'd think we might love each other are pains. To be more correct there all pains except my older bro who never really has fought with me before. But at the day ends its love we share, what can you say thats just what siblings do."

"I couldnt agree anymore sweetheart, We fight and love."

The waiter shortly came back with our appetizers. It was absolutely amazing.

"And you know how to cook this," Jordan smiled with honor that told me she knew more than just this.

"Absolutely, i make sure all my roots are explored in to who i am. I cook like an asian, where my hair like an african american, and respect my culture like a native american."

i laughed, "Well said," we clinked our glasses and drank as she gave me this dark expression that made my stomach roll. I returned the favor which completely changed the mood. I even saw her squirm a little and take a hitched breath before sitting the glass down. Even her hair began to stand on its own, a most definate sign of me playing my cards right. But not right enough.

"Jordan, are you ok sweetheart?You seem pretty thirsty." I smiled as she replied to the way i told her thirsty ; it was way more seductive then it meant to be. Maybe she still is winning.

"Yes im fine, but im unsure that you're the one who's ready for the expected end." Her beautiful red lips gave promise and a dangerous threat i was so risking to take. She took her the heel of her shoe and rubbed it slightly against my shin sending shivers up my spine almost making me fall out my seat. Her eyes still dark and just as her mouth opened to say something , she smiled beautifully and  blew me a kiss across the table,

"I think you should move over hear near me it would make things alot more comofortable, no?"

I said in a nervous and raspy tone , "Agreed," and cleared my throat to confirm my word.

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