School day

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As i walked to my next lesson i couldnt stop thinking about Skyler! He was just.... Perfect!

Skyler P.O.V
Aundrea.... Wow! She is amazing! I have never met someone as beautiful as her... She is sweet, funny, cute and friendly its untrue. I wonder if i could see her after school?? But would that look abit desperate?...... No im going to ask her!

Back to Aundrea...

Room 9 physics.... Boredom here we come......
I opened the door and saw a sea of blue staring into my eyes. It was Skyler! "Oh hey!" He said. He was about to leave the room the moment i entered. "Hey! Are you in this class?"
"Yeah i just needed to go to the bathroom!"
"Oh okay"
"Im sitting at the back, care to join me" he said with a raise of his eyebrow
"Why not" i said with a smirk
We both laughed and he made his way to the bathroom.
Eeeeeeeeeekkkkk!!!!!! He stole my heart the way he looked at me!! Ooommmmaaaaddaaayyysssss!!!

Skyler P.O.V
Yesss! Now we can get to know each other!!! I am so happy! She is so beautiful...... I will ask her for her number later and then mabey we can meet after school or something!? At least i can approach her easily! We do have physics 3 times every week so i have a lot of opportunities!

Back to Aundrea...
I sat at my desk and the lesson began i started to write the date in my notebook when i felt someone sot next to me. I had a look from the corner of my eye.... It was Skyler! Oh my heart melted but i carried on writing! I was so excited that i texted my best mate secretly without him looking.



From Laura: okayyyy...... See you there!! Xx

thanks for the support guys

Supermayynn xx

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