In The Beginning

264 14 4

Year 2015

"Mom! mom! I filled up my whole sticker chart aaannnd got super helper of the day!" I screamed as I rushed towards my moms parked car, completely ignoring what was really going on.

Something was off her body was slumped and a smell filled the air that reminded me of when my pet mouse died.

"Mom?" I whispered my voice cracking tears slipped down my face for no known reason. I looking through the window and letting out a loud scream.

Turning away with a blurred vision I observed my horrific surroundings for the first time in my 6yrs of life it felt like time stood still.

What used to be a main road that normally had heaps of cars whiz zing past that came in all different shapes and colours, that I used to count with my friends were gone. In their places were clumps of black mist.

But that wasn't what freaked me out. What really scared me is the things appearing out of the mists. My heartbeat raced faster than ever before.

Out of the mists there came tall silhouettes of men and women. But as they started to get closer their features changed. My big blue eyes watched one in particular carefully. The one that was taking long confident strides in my direction.

His skin was pale, paler than I'd ever seen, his hair messy and black, face more handsome than anyone I'd ever met, his lips were dark red kinda like the colour of what was pouring out of my mum, out eyes locked my big blues to his slanted almost catlike red ones.

I quickly looked away and noticed that every other person around looked almost exactly like hims the only differences was were their hair and gender.

My lips quivered when his lips opened into a deadly smile exposing his teeth which were all normal except for his canines which were sharp and pointy like a a a a... "Vampire" I whispered.

Now is the time for me to run. As soon as I began to run I had to change direction because everywhere I looked a vampire would be.

As soon as I came close to one they would look up and hiss.

I forgot about the one who I was running from until I felt a pair of cold strong hands grip onto my little shoulders. I was spun around so that I was facing him.

"Now where do you think you're going?" his voice was barely over a whisper and I struggled to actually understand.

Time for plan B I opened my mouth and screamed the loudest I had ever done. So much so that the hands that were holding me in position left and went up to cover his ears.

Lifting my leg up and kicking hard in between his legs where my mom said to hit. My scream seemed to pale in comparison to his reaction to my kick. His hands whipped down to hold in between his legs.

Without another second I was gone and sprinting down the cracked sidewalk.

Where do I go. I hadn't realised my legs were carrying me towards the familiar route home until I was left standing in front if our familiar red door.

Dropping to the ground, grabbing our spare key and nurturing my sore lungs I thought about what I was going to do. I remembered my mum saying that I was a very mature six year old.

Last week me and mum had had a talk about what we would do if the world ended. We even made a list.

I ran into the house locking all the doors and windows before going into the basement. There on a small shelf were our survival kits; filled with food, clothes, blankets, water, batteries, torches, radios and in mums a gun.

Without a second thought I had both packs slung across my back. But where to go was a question we had never answered.

Before I could even wonder, a crash sounded directly above me in the house. My breathing stopped and heart returned to its craziness.

Screams echoed loudly from all around the neighbourhood I could only imagine what was happening to all if them.

Steps sounded from the top of the basements staircase, sweat covered my skin causing my school uniform and my long black hair to stick to my body.

"Gracie are you down here?" I let out the breath I had been holding and sprinted up the stairs and into the arms of my moms boyfriend.

His arms engulfed me in a warm secure hug. That's when I decided to let my tears run dry. I thought then that this was a bad dream.

Boy I wish it was.....


So that's short but I just wanted to do how it happened. I was going to add present time in this chapter but thought it kinda ruins the flow.

It would be so cool for people to vote, comment, follow and/or create banners or covers. It would really mean a lot to me. Even if you simply click the little vote button down the bottom.

Also I hate to drag this on but criticism is completely welcome.

Also if you could tell me if my story is even worth continuing.

So thanks for reading my first chapter.

Bye bye

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