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Can you remember a time where it was just you and me?

Where nothing else bothered us..?

We were best friends, hopefully in time more than that title...

But then... The thing that ruined all of that came along.
It was the third year of high school.
She was new, she was tall compared to my tiny figure....

She had no flaws... Or so it had seemed.

She stole you from me.

Ruining the connection we had.

It was sad. We had continued as friends, but soon broke apart after all, all you did was care for her. She got the attention for doing nothing.

I made the caption of the volleyball team.


She got a new pair of shoes.

"You look gorgeous!"
"Those are amazing!" Or
"Wow, where did you get those"

I made valedictorian. I was a straight A student.


She got a god damn 68 on her final exam, passing but just barely.

She got praised for trying her best. For being able to pass to graduate, even with such a low score.

I gave a speech. To the whole graduating class never messed up once. I earned a reward and metal for my academics for highest GPA.

There was nothing. You never looked on stage to see what I've done.

She walks across the stage and shakes a hand and gets handed a piece of blank paper.

You give her a standing ovation, screaming praises up to the stage.

I tried to talk to you after, to try to make things right. To make sure we would always be friends.

But she was always there. She would walk into me before I could make it to you. And she would stay near you so I couldn't talk to you.

I wasn't trying to compete. I wasn't trying to get back at you for choosing her over me. I continued to be myself. I wasn't expecting you to come rushing back to me, no not at all. I was hoping that you noticed me if just for a minute so maybe I could talk to you. To see my best friend again. If only once then so be it. Another conversation would make my world brighter then it has been since you left.

...I just miss you.

After all of that I couldn't stand it anymore. I got tired of it, once our friendship ended, she became your everything. All you needed was her and you would get along fine... Right?

It's been 5 years we haven't talked a bit.

From the story you told me, you were trying to be romantic.

You climbed up to her room but as you neared her room you heard a giggling both female... And male.

You grew suspicious. So you peeked into the room careful not to be seen. But what you had seen broke you.

She found another... She decided your love wasn't enough. That she needed more to feed off of. You decided revenge was the best option. She ruined you so now you're going to ruin her.

You climbed down then went to the front door. Pretending you knew nothing. Knocking as to not disturb the couple upstairs.

Her mother answered looking annoyed. When she saw you her eyes widened with fright.

She knew.

She looked away. You could see the guilt in her eyes. She knew what you were here to do. She told you she wasn't feeling well. You told her she looked fine yesterday. You see her mom start to panic. You pulled out the box containing the ring you were going to give her.

You told her mother it wouldn't take too long. That you'd be just a minute. Her mom started crying.

She fell to the ground sobbing. You faked being confused. You started to go up the stairs. You were ready to humiliate her. As you were walking up you could hear her mother apologizing over and over.

You walked up the stairs making little to no noise. When you reached her door you opened it quietly. You went unnoticed for a few minutes. Until you grabbed the picture of you and her and slammed it to the ground.
"Oops" you had said.

She covered herself quickly. She was stuttering making excuses, as to make you forget she was having an affair. You cut her off saying that she obviously knew what she was doing. You pulled out the box with the ring and opened it.

As she was apologizing she completely forgot about the man. He got up and got dressed. And turned back to her and asked for it back. You noticed a gleam of a ring on her ring finger on her left hand. An engagement ring from this man.
"How long" you had asked she didn't answer. The man asked again for the ring. She just sobbed. Until finally the man took her hand and yanked the ring off of her hand. He answered for her. Saying they had been seeing each other for months. And he thought she loved him like he loved her. So he was going to marry him. You told the man you had been together since the 4th year of high school. That it had been 5 years now.

The man looked angry. Not at you but at her. She had lost the two men she had been using to feed her hunger with. With out reality sinking in on her yet, both men took a vow to ruin her attempts at ruining others lives. As you were leaving you turned back and looked directly at her "I lost my best friend because of you. My longest friend because you only wanted my heart to toy with. She hates me now because of you. I can't believe she was right about you. I should have listened to her. If it weren't for you if be married to my best friend by now and happier with her than I ever was with you. What was I thinking?"

You turned away and slammed her bedroom door and stormed out of the house not bothering to deal with her mother.

You got in your car and drove to a house you haven't been to in 5 years. You hadn't realized you were sobbing quietly until you walked up the steps to beg for forgiveness.

You knock on the door and I answer. You looked like a wreck. You were shaking and sobbing.

I pulled you into the house and gave you a hug.

You got worse.

You clung to me, apologizing for the years of being apart. Telling me over and over that I was right. I just looked at you sadly and pulled you into my room.

I sat you on my bed and left to grab your favorite blanket out of my closet. I helped you take off your shoes and jacket and helped you into bed I wrapped the blanket around you and left the room to get somethings. You were sobbing for me not to go. That you needed me, that you couldn't loose me again. When I came back I had two packs of Oreos and Finding Nemo. I put the movie in and climbed in next to you. You slid down burrowing your head into my stomach sobbing.

You kept asking why I was doing this. I answered "You would have done the same. Best friends forever remember?"

You just cry harder. I try to calm you by running my hands into your hair. Soon you fall asleep. I smile down at you then laying back and falling asleep my self thinking 'Now I've got you back I'm never letting go...'

Hey guys this is just a short thing. I'm not good with names of people so I hope I didn't confuse you too much if you have any questions about it just ask. Thanks for reading!!   This may continue on for a few more chapters but I haven't decided yet if I want to do that. It will stay as complete though until I decide.

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