In gym

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Sorry for the late updates but hope you guys likes this chapter and I add some of bts in there too:)

You enter the gym and place your bag on the chair and went and join them. Since it the first day of school we are going to play dodgeball. The guy that you bump into this morning introduce him self,"Hi my name is Jungkook and your?" He said back. I bow and said,"Hello my name is Min." And bow again. When playing dodgeball, you got hit on your stomach. You fell down and Jungkook came and help you. "Are you ok?" He said worried. I nodded. After gym, I have art. I went and sat on a chair next to a guy with a hat on. The teacher came in and said,"Today we will partner you up with someone, Min and............Jimin can be partner together."

Jimin POV

'Who Min, I think she new here?' Jimin thought to himself. I stand up and start to find her but when stand up I saw a girl that had her name tag that says Min. So I turned to her and said,"Are you Min?" She answer back," Yes, are Jimin?" I nod my head. "So are you new here?" I asked. She nod her head.(she is cute) I thought. The teacher told us to do a project. It is to paint your partner. So that means she has to came to our dorm.

Does Jimin likes her? Find out next chapter!

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