Chapter 1

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My boyfriend, Alex, was everything you could want in a guy. He was smart, very, very good looking, funny, so caring it could melt you. The total cliche, every girls dream guy, hell, you could even classify him as those perfect guys in all fictional books.

So, if he is so perfect why am I in the situation I'm in now you ask? I'll fill you in on my day, all of the moments that led up to now.


I groggily feel around my dresser, hoping to find my phone and turn off the horrible noise coming out of it. I finally reach it and turn off my alarm.

It was Friday, the sacred day for every teenager. No more class, drama or anything for the next two days, a short period of time, but that just makes you want to make the most of it anyways.

I quickly brush through my tangled brown hair, I really needed to get it cut, you know, unless split ends were becoming a trend. Man, would I love that.

After throwing my hair into a messy pony tail, I changed out of my pajamas, and into some high waisted black shorts with a simple white tank, and throw a flannel around my waist while slipping into my vans.

I apply the minimal make-up, not really caring about my appearance today.

I head downstairs, where my father is sitting at the table sipping a coffee, and I see heavenly chocolate chip Nutella pancakes being made, I was a sucker for anything Nutella related, and dad only cooked these when he wanted something.

My mother left us when I was 5, so it was just me and dad around the house, along with Clara, my best friend, with the exception of Liam, my other best friend, but he was usually with his girlfriend of 3 years, Amanda.

"What's the special occasion dad?" I ask, suspicion laced in my voice.

"What, can I not make my daugter her favourite breakfast?" He asked, very sarcastically.

"C'mon dad, the last time you made these you wanted to tell me that you were going to Paris for 2 weeks and leaving me with grandma"

"What, did you not have fun playing solitaire with her every night?" He asked with a slight mocking smirk.

"Haha, so funny I forgot to laugh, but really, what's coming up this time?" I really was curious, and it was obvious he was avoiding the question.

"Well" his face was evident with uncomfortableness "I was hoping you would come to dinner, with my girlfiend Holly"

To say I was shocked was an understatement. He had never even thought of another woman since mom left. He was so in love with her, it was sweet, but also upsetting too. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't got over her. So this Holly must be special, and honeslty I was happy he was moving on.

"Sure, no problem"

"Wait, really?" The shock on his face slowly turned to into a huge grin.

"Yea, I'm really happy for you. But I really need to go" I kissed his cheek quickly and grabbed the pancakes on a plate and headed out to my car.


After finishing up the pancakes, I texted Clara telling her I was at her house. She had this huge fear of cars after her brother got in a really bad accident a few years back, and I totally got that. Its not like I minded driving her around anyways, we were basically always together anyways.

She stumbled out the door in a hurry. She was usually in a rush for no reason, but that was just her.

She really was one of the prettiest girls at out school, most guys throwing themselves at her. Her long blonde hair always had beach waves throughout it, and she had killer long legs. She seriously looked like she came straight from a Mexico vacation with a perfect tan, and she had these vibrant blue eyes.

She was always the more fashionable one of us, and more popular. Not that I minded, really. I have been getting more attention since I've started dating Alex. Mainly death glares from girls, but honestly I enjoy being in the shadows.

Clara was wearing white skinny jeans, which made her legs look longer than they already are, a black halter top that jutted out at the end, and creamy nude heels.

Honestly, I'm not even sure why she's friends with me. All of the popular girls at our school (including a girl named Vanessa, who had a death wish for me) have been trying to convince her to be friends with them for the longest time, but her answer is always the same, "me and Lexi are a package deal" and then she'll loop her arm with mine and saunter off.

"Lexi, what took you so long to get here?" She asked, while glaring at me like I just told her she couldn't shop anymore.

"Sorry, dad was just asking if I could meet his new girlfriend, and the conversation lasted longer than expected I guess"

Her face immediately turned guilty, she knows all about my mom. I always tell everyone it's fine, I don't care that much about her absence in my life, which is true, but no one believes me, and always tries to cheer me up, when it's not even needed.

"Oh my god, Lexi I'm so sorry" her face looking like she just stepped on a puppy.

I let out a quick laugh. "How many times do I need to tell you, I don't miss my mother" I say smiling, trying to reassure her.

"Yea, yea" she mumbles looking out the window.


My morning classes go by smoothly. Boring, a lot of quick kisses from Alex, and all the latest gossip from Clara. (I swear, that girl knows everyones buisness)

Lunch rolls around, and just as I'm about to sit down, Clara nearly knocks me over.

"Whats up with you" I question. Last time she looked this excited, Brandon Johnson, her crush of 2 years, asked her to the school dance.

"Word is there is there is a new guy, and apparently hes totally hot" she squeals.

"Well you can have him, im perfectly fine with Alex" I say, meaning it in the moment.

What I didnt know was I wouldnt mean in a few months.


Alex had asked me to meet him at the soccer field after school, so that's where I was headed.

I saw him standing there, with a smile on his face.

"Lexi, I have something to tell you"

"Okay, shoot"

"I've been waiting for the perfect moment to say this, and after 9 months, I finally got the courage to say this. Lexi, I love you"

I didn't know what to say. If he was so perfect, why couldn't I find it in me to say it back?

All I could think of to say was "thanks"
and then I ran. Probably not what he was expecting.

Oh boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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