The scribbly thoughts

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I feel the skin on my body get tighter and tighter I wish I could just break free and work in someone else's shoes,

They list the flaws teasing and joking breaking you down to a grain of sand until you don't even know yourself anymore,

You look in the mirror knowing the words they use against you pierce sharper and colder than the blade on your skin,

You can only sit there and hope,

Hope to see the light the bright side they say it'll get better in time but they don't know.....

They don't know what you've seen, been through, or even the slightest example of what you felt...

All you can do is sit there and feel more and more just simply feel,

Thoughts pile and pile like snow on a mountain until an avalanche occurs!

All you can do is sit there and cry silently to hope nobody hears you wish to be alone and gotten so used to it you don't even have an expression of what others feel,

You sit there simply numb...a loss of thought..a loss for words.

The scribbly thoughtsWhere stories live. Discover now