Driver - Introduction

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Every job needs one. It doesn't matter if it’s a small score of a few thousand dollars or a much bigger one involving millions. It does not even matter if money was being stolen. It could easily be expensive jewels, diamonds, or even something as boring as bearer bonds. Bearer bonds could make someone very rich if used correctly. Unless you transported them safely away from the eyes of the law you could not enjoy the pleasures of your work.  Now anyone can drive a car. But driving a car away from a crime scene requires some special skills. One just cannot step on the throttle, reach the fastest speed possible, and hope no law enforcement vehicle can chase you down. There are too many videos on America's Funniest Videos that prove no matter how far you get the bird's eye in the sky (a.k.a. the police chopper) will always have a sight of the fastest vehicle driving away from the crime scene. And sooner or later that vehicle will run out of road and the law-breaking occupants of the car will end up embarrassing themselves on national television. Average drivers will never break the odds stacked against them in such a situation. But he was not your average driver. He never failed to get his clients to a safe location. He was a professional. But he was hard to work with, followed his own rules, and called his own shots. Until he took this one.

*I do not own the copyrights to this cover*

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