Chapter 10

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I woke up to excruciating pain in my thigh, almost as if it was throbbing. Actually, it was. I could feel my heartbeat throughout my thigh, pulsating down my leg. I went to sit up in the darkness but as soon as I moved my leg, I cried out in pain. I lay back down, trying not to move my leg much. I don't know how but I bumped it and whimpered, biting my lip and screwing my eyes up tight. I buried my face into something soft and warm that smelled amazing.

"Shhh Harry. Just go back to sleep." A voice murmured, fingers running through my hair.

"I-it h-hurts!" I cried out into what I am assuming is the persons stomach. I just want to chop my leg off it hurts that much.

"Oh shit, sorry I forgot! Hey, Niall! Go get some Advil from the bathroom and a water bottle please?" I heard some shuffling before a couple minutes later the voice telling me to sit up. I slowly sat up, with some help before opening my eyes to see Louis holding out a water bottle and two Advil for me. I greedily took them, gulping down half the water bottle and the pills before thanking him.

"Do you want something to eat? We saved you a couple slices of pizza." Niall spoke up from the other couch. All of the lights were off and the tv was on because they were watching a movie.

"P-please?" Niall pushed the pizza box across the table to me. I grabbed a slice and took a bite out of it. I moaned at the taste even though it was cold.

"I haven't eaten in three days and I haven't had pizza in years! I forgot how good this stuff is." I explained when Louis looked at me funny. I finished the slice and grabbed the second one, leaning back onto the couch before taking a bite.

"So what happened? I mean like while I was out? Did the police take my mum and Robin to jail?" I questioned, wanting to know desperately. If my mum is in jail then I have no where to live because she is the one who has all the money, I am absolutely broke.

"Yeah they are in jail. You're safe now, I promise." Louis informed me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, until you decide to beat me up again." I said truthfully. Louis gave me a pained look before sighing and looking away shamefully. Good, he should be ashamed for what he does to me.

"We agreed earlier while you were sleeping that we won't ever hurt you again and we wanted to be your friends because you could use some friends right now." He told me, looking back and forth between Niall, Zayn and I, as if he were seeking approval for what he was saying. Zayn and Niall nodded to back him up.

"Right, and when you stop pretending to be my friend and beat me up again, I will tell you I told you so." I said, struggling to stand up. I wanted to leave, get as far away from here as possible. Louis had other plans though.

"No! Erh, I mean, don't leave yet. We aren't sure if you can go home yet because of the police....?" He grabbed my wrist and held me in place, trailing off and almost asking me as if it was true. I huffed, rolling my eyes as I sat down again, making sure I was far away from Louis.

"Can you guys shut up? It's my favorite part! The girl is about to figure out who murdered her brother!" Zayn yelled at us. I shrank back into the couch and focused on the tv. If I can't leave, might as well make the most of it. I don't really remember the last time I actually watched the telly besides in class when we are forced to watch a documentary that more than half of it is wrong anyways.

• • • • • • • • • • • •

I must have fallen asleep on the couch while watching the movie because I woke up for a second time to my leg in pain. This time though, I was alone on the couch and through the dim light making its way through the curtains I could see Zayn and Niall were sleeping on the other couch all tangled together in a mess of body parts. Liam went home, along with Danielle and Perrie. Louis must have went to sleep in his own room and bed.

I tried to make myself more comfortable but only resulted in hurting my leg even more. I silently let out tears as I lay still, not daring to move. I threw an arm over my face and cried into the crook of my elbow. Why does my life have to be so messed up? Why can't I be normal and like girls? Why can't I have a normal family, a family that loves me for me? Why did I ever come out to them? What if I never came out at all? Maybe the bullying wouldn't be so bad and my mum wouldn't hate me and Gemma wouldn't pity me. She tried telling me that she didn't pity me but I could hear it in her voice that she did.

"Harry?" Louis' voice whispered from somewhere in the dark room. I took my arm off of my face and looked to where he sounded like he was.

"Why are you crying?" He asked me, actually sounding like he cared. He didn't care though, he just pitied me along with everyone else. Nobody cares about me or likes me, not even myself. I hate myself.

"M-my leg h-urts." I stammered, trying to keep quiet. It wasn't entirely a lie, but it also wasn't entirely the truth.

"Here, have some of my water and I'll go get you some pain meds." He placed a water bottle in my hand and disappeared only to reappear minutes later with a couple Advil. He handed them to me as I sat up and took them, not noticing the fact he had sat down where my head previously sat so when I went to lay back down I almost screamed in surprise. He pushed slightly on my shoulder to make me lay back down on his lap.

"Shhh, hey it's just me, don't wake them up." He whispered as his fingers laced through my hair almost instinctively. It was weird, how I didn't lean away from his touch but instead leaned into it almost automatically. I hummed quietly as a response, closing my eyes. I focused on just his fingers running through my hair and soon the pain in my leg deminished to almost nothing.

"I know you're probably asleep right now but I'm sorry, for everything I've ever said or done to you." He whispered after a while. I was about to say I forgive him because well, he is being nice to me and trying to make it up to me and sounded like he genuinely cared, but stopped when he said something again.

"I-I think I l-like you."

I froze but quickly rolled over so it made it seem like I was sleeping, pressing my face into his stomach for the second time tonight. I don't think I was actually supposed to hear that. Hell, I don't think he meant to say it, let alone meant it. It is impossible for him to like me, right? I mean, he is a homophobe after all, isn't he? 'Then why is he doing this right now, playing with your hair and seeming like he honestly cares about you?' A voice inside my head asked. I truthfully do not know the answer to that question.

"Goodnight Haz," Louis whispered, leaning down and pressing a kiss into my hair. Okay, what is going on? This is not normal, he should not be doing things like this if he is a homophobe and hates me.

I fell asleep again, too tired to think about it. Just before I was fully asleep, I felt Louis fall side ways, his head landing on my stomach as he cuddle into me, nuzzling me with his nose.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

"Harry!" I heard shrill two voices yell from down the hallway.

"Daisy! Pheobe!" I shouted back as the two little blonde girls bounced into the room, running straight to me and jumping on me. I caught them in time before all three of us went tumbling to the ground. I tried to ignore the fact that my leg was once again killing me, the fall not helping any, but smiling at the two giggling girls who were sitting on my bruised chest.

"Why don't I get that kind of welcoming anymore guys?" Niall asked, playfully pouting at them. The squealed and jumped off of me, running and jumping on Niall whilst screaming his name.

"Hey Haz, how's your leg? Does it still hurt?" Louis asked me, a concerned look written on his face. I chuckled a little, remembering what he had said last night. Maybe he was actually being serious, maybe he does care.

"Yeah I'm fine, stop worrying so much, Boobear." I teased using his nickname from his mum, sticking my tongue out childishly at him. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he looked down at the ground smiling. Damn, I have to admit even though I don't like him, that was cute.

"D-Don't call me that," he tried being fierce and mean about it but ended up blushing even more.

"Why? You call me Haz, I should get to call you something and since I know you love that nickname so much I think I might just use it too." I fired back while smirking, Louis still blushing.

"Guys? A little help please?" Zayn's laughter was heard and Niall crying for help as they were pinned under all four girls who were tickling them. I looked over at Louis to see he had now stopped blushing and was now racing towards the boys on the floor where he joined his sisters in tickling them. I limped over to a couch and carefully sat myself down, smiling at the mass of bodies on the floor. This is what it's like to have friends? I could get used to this.

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A/N: Short chapter, I know, but at least its a chapter. You guys don't know how much I love you. Keep voting and commenting please. I love the feedback I get. New chapter will be up soon hopefully(: Stay wonderful! Xx

Tutoring My Bully ~Larry Stylinson AU~Where stories live. Discover now