Chapter 7 - One Last Time

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*Candi's POV*

I was in my hotel room watching TV, I had just got done getting ready for Dolan's Mysterious Brother to pick me up so we could hang out. We had been talking a lot ever since he dropped me off at the hotel, he even got me roses and sent them to my room!

I heard a knock on my hotel room door, and I walked over to answer it.

Candi: Dolan? What are you doing here?

Dolan looked into my eyes, he seemed upset. He then looked down at his shoes and back up at me.

I was in total shock.

Why did he come here? What did he want?

Dolan: Candi, I am so ashamed that I left you outside to walk home. I'm so mad I kicked you out the next morning. It took me awhile to realize how much you mean to me, I know we just met but there is something about you that strives for me to be different. Please, Candi, give me another chance. I want to talk about this with you.

I looked at Dolan for awhile, not sure if I should believe what he was saying.

Candi: God.. God I hate this!

Dolan looked at me for bit, he was shocked by my reaction.

Dolan: W-what?

Candi: You do this to me, you know I was getting along with everything just fine.. and you happen. You walk back into my life like nothing happened. I was miserable, your brother had to give me a ride! You blew me off.. but for some reason I feel..

Before I had the chance to finish, I see Dolan's Mysterious Brother down the hallway.

Dolan's Mysterious Brother: What are you doing here, Dolan?

Dolan looked at his brother with confusion, they both looked at each other with hate in their eyes.

Dolan: Stay out of this, I'm here to make things right!

Dolan's Mysterious Brother: Get out of here Dolan, you treated her like trash. She's mine now. So take a hike!

Dolan looked at his brother with a passion of hate.

Dolan: No.

Dolan's Mysterious Brother: Excuse me?

Dolan: Yah, you heard me bud. No.

Are they fighting over me?

Candi: You guys stop this!

They didn't want to listen to me.

Dolan: Listen, Candi came down here to make the collab video with me, not you.

Dolan's Mysterious Brother: That's funny.. because you totally kicked her out of your house and told her you weren't sure if you still wanted to make the video.

Dolan looked down, he seemed hurt, he knew what he had done was wrong. He didn't respond back, he couldn't find any words.

Dolan's Mysterious Brother: Yah, that's what I thought. C'mon Candi, we better go. See yah Dolan.

I felt horrible, I wanted to stay there and talk to Dolan.

Dolan: Here, I want to give you this before I go.

He handed me envelope and walked off.

*Dolan's POV*

I walked backed to my car with an empty feeling, a bad feeling really. Candi and my brother were probably having the time of there lives.

Why did I screw everything up?

I then hear a noise.. someone walking towards me.

Candi: D-dolan?

I turned around, I saw Candi. She had my envelope in her hands.

I was too stunned to say anything, I couldn't really make in words out.

Candi: L-look I read your letter...

She had a smile on her face and tears began to form in her eyes, tears of joy.

Dolan: Come here you.

She ran up to me with open arms, I did the same back.

I held her tight, not wanting to let her go. She didn't want to let go either. We didn't speak at all. We should stood below a street lamp outside of the hotel hugging, enjoying the moment. It was really a perfect moment.

Dolan: Welcome to the Planet Dolan Crew Sweethart.

Heyyy guys! Sorry for not posting in awhile.. I've been pretty busy lately. I'll start school tomorrow.. Here's a new chapter, so sorry for it being so short D: Enjoy! - BrookeWithAnE

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