This Is All My Fault

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* Ik it has been awhile I was going through some family problems. Then there was school shopping. Then best friend problems. Also, me and my mom got in the hospital (I had a anxiety attack & and my mom had something wrong with her stomach)But I dedicate this chapter to my number 1 r.o.d. {my baby Paige luv babe 😍😘😘}.

Enjoy this chapter .😛💪🏾🤘🏾

Kylie POV
I am omw to go meet up wit Marie. Jayden wanted to tag along cuz he this some shit bout to happen but the one thing he don't know is that me and Marie squashed our argument and now we are even more close than we eva was.
      "Babe you lookin hella ugly you look like somebody beat yo ass and you let them" Jayden said wit a 😁.
       "If I'm so ugly then why da hell is yo scrawny ass wit me then." I said wit disgust. I hopped outta his 2013 Ferrari and walked my sexy BEAUTIFUL ass outta his car.
         "Babe it was a joke." Jayden laughin his ass off.
          "Joke my ass you lost the best thing you eva had and yo ass is gonna regret it trust dat🖕🏾" I said on my way to in-n-out burger.

Jayden POV
Damn, wtf jus happen I was just playin around. I didn't think she would take dat shit seriously. Ik I didn't lose the best thing I eva had cuz all I gotta do is apologize then she right back wrapped around my finger.

Kylie POV
This nigga got my ass fucked yo to think he got me wrapped around his finger.
Text Mode
(Bastard🤘🏾= Jayden🤘🏾)
Bastard🤘🏾- Kylie I'm sorry I really didn't mean that.
Kylie💪🏾- nigga Idc at all. Don't think imma forgive to be wrapped around yo finger ion play dat shit. For now and prolly forever we only co-workers.
Bastard🤘🏾- u can neva find a nigga like me
Kylie 💪🏾- ion need a man like u. Ard. ONLY HIT MA PHONE WHEN U TALK BIUT THAT TRAP LIFE.

Text mode ova

Marie POV
When Kylie came into the buildin she look like she was bout to be somebody ass and I had my camera ready and everythang.
     "Yo, Kylie what's wrong you look like it's time to beat somebody ass. If it's time boo I'm ready."
       "I broke it off wit Jayden cuz he was he is bein a bitch."Kylie said.
       "What he do wrong." I ask concerned.
        " This nigga thought it would be fun  to say a joke bout how I look he said I look like somebody beat my ass and I let them. He knows damn well when a bitch step up shit bout to be poppin and imma whip some ass."
        "Did he try to apologize to you bout dat?"
        "Yea, he did but he thought I was gonna forgive him so I can be wrapped around his finga again. I ain't gonna lie when me and Jayden started Jayden I felt like I was wrapped around dat ugly nigga finga. It turns out that I was. He said I can neva find a nigga like him. Ion need a nigga like him. AT ALL!!! So what you wanna eat?😊"
         " I'll get whateva you get cuz I ain't dat hungry. What type shit is that you don't deserve him there is a lot of sexy boy in Cali you gon be ard."
       "Thanks boo." Kylie huggin me.

How did u luv this chapter?
Sorry for the cliffhanger
Paige I hope u luv this chapter this all for u.😘😘

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