Chapter 20

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The sound of the cell door opening filled the room in which Emily and Morgan sat in. The rattling of chains entered and they watched as Jackson took a seat. He wore orange with cuffs on his feet and wrists. A police officer came in and handcuffed him to the table. He left and the door shut. Jackson smiled at Emily.
"Hey beautiful." He flirted raising his eyebrows. Emily slammed a file in front of him and leaned forward.
"Care to tell us what you meant when you threatened Isabelle?" She asked sternly. He chuckled.
"You're trippin' if you think I'm gonna give away my buddies. Little slut deserves what's coming to her."
Morgan slammed his hand on the table and slid the file aside. "Hey, you think it's cool to disrespect women? Huh? Boy you're looking at 20 years to life in prison! You wanna talk about what people deserve? This is exactly what people like you deserve!" Jackson lost his smirk and looked away. Morgan stood up and walked over to Jackson. He got real close and whispered in his ear. "We're gonna find your friends. Every last one of them. And every one of them are gonna end up like you. Or dead."

Isabelle lifted her head from Spencer's shoulder and looked at him. Her eyes were pink but still beautiful. She leaned in and kissed him. He ran his fingers through her soft brown hair. She started to unbutton his shirt. She made it mid way but then he pulled away. He shook his head and looked down.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"No." He quickly said raising his head. His eyes met hers and he smiled. "No it's just, not now. Not here." He said motioning to the door leading to the hallway of the department. She nodded.
"Yeah. Yeah," she said shaking her head. "Sorry." He said. He re-buttoned his shirt and kissed her.
"I'll be back. I'm gonna go see if Garcia has anything." He left and she buried her face into her hands. As soon as he shut the door he leaned his back against it and looked up at the ceiling. He sighed, ran his fingers through his hair and continued on his way to Penelope's work room. He knocked on the door standing open and she turned her chair around to she him. She could see he was all shooken up. He may be a BAU agent but he for sure wasn't good at hiding his emotions.
"What happened?" She asked.
He shook his head and pretended to be oblivious. "Nothing." He said.
"Reid?" Penelope asked giving him a questioning look. He turned around and shut the door. He walked closer to her and closed his eyes replaying the exact events of what just happened.
"I think Isabelle is ready to take our relationship to the next level."
"The next level? What level would that-" she stopped mid sentence "ohhhhh." She said finally catching on. "Well are you?" She asked.
"I don't know. Yeah I think so. I just don't know when the right time is. And especially right now? I mean after everything she's been through and going through and what Jackson said..what if she's just doing it because she thinks it's what I want from her?" He said.
"I think she's just that comfortable with you Spencer. You'll feel it." She said. "You'll know."
He gave a confused look but then realized he probably wouldn't understand so he just moved on.
"Did you find anything else?" He asked looking at her computer.
"No sorry. Oh! But Rossi did call and say the police have heard of the group. They call themselves the Red." She said looking up to him.
"The Red? That's it? Okay well keep looking. Call me if you find out anything else." She nodded.
"Where are you going?" She asked as he got to the frame of the door.
"To shop for food. There's nothing to eat here." He said exiting the room.

Catch Me if You Can//A Spencer Reid FanficWhere stories live. Discover now