Seme Male! Reader x Donatello {Lemon}

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I have another request: Controller569 This is Bayverse Donnie after the TMNT 2!! Enjoy~ 🚫❗️Warning: Senpai... That's all... ;3 ❗️🚫

[Y/n]'s POV:
"Casey!!" "What?!" "Let's go!!!" I yell at my twin as I wait for him at our shared apartment door. After the whole saving New York, things have been rather slow. Casey had been working with NYPD everyday, April was busy with news reports, and I was stuck in college. Entering the living room, Casey finally leaves the apartment, "Sorry [n/n], didn't mean to keep you waiting" "Whatever, let's go get April" Locking the door, we head over to pick up April at her place. Today we all planned on meeting up with the guys to see how they were doing, it wouldn't hurt to see them anyways. Getting into the car, Casey drives to the reporters apartment and we sit in a comfortable silence. "So, what do you and your boyfriend plan on doing today" My face warms up at the mention of my nerdy turtle boyfriend. "Shut up Casey..." "Aww, did I embarrass my little brother~" "I was born an hour after you..." He laughs and ruffles my hair. "Hands on the steering wheel please!!" "Oh calm down [n/n]" Rolling my eyes, I stare out the window and think about the past few days. After the events that happened with Shredder and Kranng, I had been in a relationship with the mutant turtle. It was weird to say that I had fallen for the nerd but there was something about him that I found... Attractive. Whether it was his smarts or the cute way he acted, I don't know but I'm happy to say that he is mine and mine only. Arriving at the complex, we exit the car and enter as we make our way to her floor. "You ever plan on asking her out?" "What are you talking about?" My brother seemed flustered at the question, his face turning a light shade of red. I smirk, "You know what I mean~" We stand at her door step as Casey knocks. "Not a word about it" "Fine" The door opens and we're greeted with April. "Hey guys!" "Hi!" Entering, I find myself staring at our friends we were supposed to visit. "Hey... Guys?" "[Y/n]! What's up dude, haven't seen you in a while!" I'm nearly crushed as Michelangelo hugs me. "Mikey... Can't breathe!" "Oh, sorry" He lets me go and I smile, "It's fine, I prefer being crushed by you than my textbooks" He smiles as well, "Aw, poor [n/n] has college" "Please don't remind me..." He laughs and ruffles my hair. Looking around, I don't see my tech turtle, "Where's Donnie?" "Home. He's been in watching the monitors all day" Raph says as he walks up from behind me. "Seriously? Even after he saves New York... I'm gonna go visit him" I was walking it when Casey spoke up, "Wear protection!!!" "Shut up!!" Exiting, I send him a not so nice finger and make my way towards the nearest manhole outside.


"Donnie? You in here!" I enter the lair and look around. "Ah, [Y/n]! It's a pleasure to see you again" "Hi Master Splinter... Is Donnie," The mutant rat nods, "Yes, he has been watching the monitors since he woke up this morning" I sigh, "Of course... In gonna try and pry him away.." "Please do, I was heading out to meet April. Maybe you can try to persuade him to follow" Nodding I wave to Splinter and enter the monitor room. "Donnie~" Jumping from his seat, my boyfriend quickly turns to see me standing there. "[Y-y/n]! What brings you here?" "Oh you know.. Making sure that you haven't cheated on me with the damn computer" He chuckles nervously and rubs the back of his neck. Approaching him slowly, I grab his chin and hold his face close, "You know as well as me that you need a break" He blushes as he try's to pull away, "I know but I just need to make sure that everything is ok in the city" Wrapping my arm around his neck so he doesn't move, I press my lips against his own. He squeaks but quickly melts into the kiss, pulling me closer. He lets out a yelp as he backs away quickly, "Ow! What was-" He was quickly silenced when I held up a syringe with traces of liquid, "That, my love, was a little something I found in my professors desk cabinet. Looks like he wasn't the only one who knew about making mutagen" Within the blink of an eye, Donatello had turned turned human.

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