Septiplier Away! - 1

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A/n- if you didn't read the description (fuck you go read it. Jkjk) then I don't know hay the fuck I'm writing this. It's late I'm bored and I'm in the mood to write some gay shite. Also yes I know I'm cussing that's what happens at 12:00 am in the morning.


Sean's pov.

"Love you Mark." I said as i apologized for killing him on accident. He laughed. "The fans are gonna fangirl over that." He said. I chuckled. "Septiplier away!" We both said in unison. It's been a long time since that happened. Actually it was just last year I think but we were playing 'Forest'. I still remember like it was yesterday.

I can't tell him that I wish it was true. The fans made up the ship sure, but they didn't know that ever since I first saw mark in YouTube I liked him.

I knew I was gay when I went into 6th grade. I wasn't interested in girls like the other boys were. I was interested in a boy my age. He had dark brown hair and eyes. His voice sounded amazing his facial features were perfect. Of coarse when I asked my mom why I thought these things I hadn't even known what 'gay' meant. I was just confused as to why I was feeling that way towards a boy.

I stared at the screen concentrated on finding mark in game again as we spawn across the map every time we die. It's a very frustrating game but I still love it.

"So. Where'd you spawn this time?" He asked me. I sighed. "I. The fuckin' desert. Again." I said over dramatically. He laughed so hard I swear he almost died. I chuckled and listened to him laugh. 'It's so cute.' I thought.

"What was that Jack?" Mark asked. I looked at him on the Skype.
"What? What'd I say?" I asked completely confused. Did I say that out loud? Shite.

"You said somethin' was cute." He said. I chuckled. "Oh something I passed on my way back there." I said beginning to walk in game again towards Mark location. He 'aw'd' and began talking again. Dodged that bullet. (Somebody please get the quote.)

"These mother fucking rocks won't break dammit!!" He yelled and swung his pick at the rocks. It indeed didn't break. "Must be a glitch or somethin'." I said shrugging. I laughed as he growled in frustration. I stared at my screen and concentrated again. Something was moving in the grass and I couldn't see what it was.

"Aum. There's somethin' movin' in the grass. What the fuck is that?" I said confusedly swinging my weapon at it trying to kill it.

"I think it's a mouse.." Mark said trailing off. I looked at his feed to see what stopped him and saw his girlfriend was kissing him. Not like, heated make out or anything just a bunch of small little kisses. I looked away and cleared my throat. I felt the jealousy creep up but I forced it away.

"Wow. Hot guys." I said laughing. "Hey jack-a-boy! How's it going?" She asked smiling at me. She was always nice to me like she was to all the others. Really she was a great woman. Really loved Mark for Mark not just for money but I still didn't appreciate that they were together.

"It's going good! How have you been?" I asked looking it the screen. She smiled and shrugged. "Oh y'know. Same old, same old." She answered. I nodded. "Cool." I said. Now it got awkward. I didn't know what to say. She got the hint that I didn't know what else to talk about, and said she'd be making dinner to Mark then walked out.

I let go of a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding in. "Fuck this." I whispered and rubbed my face. I looked back up and saw Mark looking at me confusedly.

"You okay?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. "Your blushing. And your eyes are red." Mark said. I looked at my camera feed and saw just that only more intense on my end. My blush grew deeper and I shook my head.

"Imma be right back and get some water." I said. "I don't know what's going on with my face." I laughed but I knew exactly what's up. I was on the verge of tears because I knew Mark would never like me back.

"Okay buddy." He said and continued. I walked down stairs and grabbed water. I drank a glass, then splashed some on my face to cool myself off.

"Pull yourself together Sean. Jesus. He's a guy get over it. It's fine, just don't...... Dint screw anything up or say anything else out loud again." I said to myself and chuckled. "I'm an idiot." I laughed and went up stairs to my recording room with a smile.

"Alright where were we?" I asked and put my headphones on. Mark laughed and we got back into the game.

I stared at Mark's face most of the time very secretively. He just to intoxicating not to. He's perfect. I love him. But he'll never know I do. I won't ever tell him.

It'll be, and always has been, my little secret.

A/n- I figured out why I wanted to write this!! Because the past few days I've been reading nothing but Septiplier fanfiction! And I just got this idea just now so... Cool! Okay Imma go now and think about how screwed up I am to be writing this gay shite.

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