Dizzy Days - 16

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Jacks Pov.

I woke up to the daylight beaming in through the window again. My head still hurt but not as bad. I slowly sat up and grabbed my phone looking at the time.

9:03 am?

Wow I over slept big time. I looked over at Mark's bed to see it empty. I kinda figured. 9 is super late to be sleeping into.

Oh crap I didn't post a video for today yet! I'm an hour late! Shiiiiiiit! I hoped out of bed quickly and went over to my camera.

The light was still on, signaling my camera was still on. And it was blinking. Signaling it was still recording. My eyes widened in shock, and I looked over at my computer which showed nothing. Thank god I wasn't live streaming. That's gone horribly in the past.

I quickly hooked it up to the computer and got to editing. I edited down the video from last night and cut out the entire night part. The video itself was around 30 minutes, but I had to cut out some good parts cause I didn't want the video to be to long.

I saved the edited out parts to another file so I could post another episode on it some other time.

But when I got to the end I was debating weather to keep the last part in as a joke or not.

I passed out in Marks arms and he carried me offscreen bridal style. I smirked and added it as the end clip after the outro song. I put words on the bottom of the screen that said

'Awww, that's cute. ☺️'

And laughed to myself quietly. Then just before the video ended it cut to black screen and I put in all caps,


I smiled at my work and looked at the time, 9:45. Well it's late but at least it's there! I wrote a sorry note in the description saying my head hurt so much that I slept in and stuff like that then published the video. It would go up in like and hour though cause of its length and how much editing I did.

My stomach growled and I looked down at it.

"Time to eat I guess." I chuckled and stood up from my chair. I went to the bathroom and changed taking a quick shower. The warm water helped my head a bit but I was still pretty dizzy.

I didn't fall when I walked down the stairs surprisingly, and when I got down there I heard the guys laughing and talking and screaming. Must be playing a video game.

I went in the kitchen and saw a plate with pancakes on it and a couple strips of bacon.

There was a note beside it that read.

'Figured we'd leave some for you. Sincerely, your lovable idiot' With and upside down smiley face beside it. I knew the handwriting and I did call him my lovable idiot in a video once.

I rolled my eyes and smiled and got the syrup out after microwaving the pancakes to heat them up.

I took the plate with me into the living room and sat down beside Mark on the couch.

"Thanks lovable idiot." I whispered sarcastically so only he could hear. That made him laugh and almost drop his controller. Which killed him. I figured out they were playing Mario cart. I smiled smugly and took a bite of my pancakes.

"Aww no!!! I WAS WINNING!! JACK!!!!!!" He exclaimed in frustration but he was still laughing. He brushed his hair out of his face and flailed his arms.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" He exclaimed. I shrugged and smirked at him.

"Cause I was given the opportunity." I said and took another bite of my pancake.

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