chapter 13

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I woke up and I was in a big room .I looked around and knew I wasn't at my house.The door opened and Darwin came in with a glass of water."morning beautiful how was your sleep" he said looking at me with a face full of concern I smiled at him and he put the glass of water on a table next to the bed.

"Darwin what happened ,where am I and am I wearing your boxers?" I glared at him.He lightly smiled at me."one question at a time babe.first of all you fainted at the party , second of all you are at my house and lastly yes you are wearing my boxers your clothes went for laundry".

As soon as I heard that I wasnt at home I tried getting up but he stopped me ."love you have to get some sleep and I will only call your parents if you get some rest"he said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.I froze when he called me love and nodded my head as
he stood up so he could leave.

"No!! Don't go Darwin stay with me " I said pouting at him .He smiled at me and sat at the edge of the bed and I laughed"no dumbass I meant come sleep on the bed with me so that I wont be alone" I said pouting.

He smiled and got into my blankets he pulled me close to him so that I would rest My head on his chest and I closed my eyes.I was drifting into sleep when I heard Darwin say" I love you princess I love you with everything in me and this love would be the death of me" he kissed my forehead and I was fully dragged into a world of darkness.

I woke up and found Darwin gone .I stood up and walked toward the door and on a blue bin bag were my clothes and a letter.It read

To my angel

Iam sorry Iwouldn't stay until you woke up but I had to go to xul .I called your parents and they said Dedrie is picking you up .I will see you at school hopefully .I want you to just relax and have enough rest .♥


Your sexy and loving cousin


I smiled down at the letter and went to go shower after showering I put on my clothes and walked towards Darwin's bed. On his bedside was a picture of him shirtless at the park.My typical Darwin. WAIT DID I JUST SAY MY DARWIN? ?.

I took the picture off the stand and smiled down at it .I felt such a strong edge to kiss it then I did."Slut !! What are you doing in my boyfriends room kissing his pictures?!?"I turned around and saw katie wearing a blue dress that ended mid thigh.

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