Sixteen┃Ethan's Truth

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The only thing I was able to focus on was Vicente's blood in my mouth. At one point my hands had pressed him to the wall, his palms surrounded mine. Lights turned into a dark red colour behind my eyelids, I gasped for air as if I was drowning. Vicente's fingers harshly tugged my hair so I ended up looking into his green eyes. As if the time stopped and expanded. For a second he and I stood completely still. Blood dripped down my cheeks in a crimson red colour.

A voice in my head screamed danger but I didn't care, Vicente's features begun to crumble. Without my consent, my fingers bruised away the tear that appeared. "Vicente...?" Dread tightened my chest. He seemed out of character even for me. Was it my fault? My palm stopped when I touched his lips. A shiver went down my back. I don't know what the fuck I am doing.

"No, is nothing," Vicente shook his head. His gaze didn't falter making me feel unsure what I am supposed to do. This silence...everything must be harder on him. Once again I had acted selfishly. I held back before I let the burning anger take action.

My fist punched him in the face, he stared perplexed at me. "Stop lying to me, because I am your Newborn I have to take care of your needs," I hissed barely audible. Vicente bit his underlip yet he continued to look towards me. Air sparkled with something new. He put his palm to my cheek, my surprise must have shown on my face since he grinned. Nervously I smiled back.

"Of course," his voice soft in between the space. "My Newborn." I frowned when I noticed no sign of possessiveness. My tongue licked the blood around my face. The pure bliss made my groan and I closed my eyes. Yet the expected hand now moved over my shut lips. For once I wished I owned a heart. Everything else toned out except for me and him. His palm soft as a baby's skin.

Not a worker I guess.

"Yours," I said. His smile shattered the debut I held in my mind. Maybe this relationship is different from the ones I usually have but the guy is hot! Come on, who hasn't drooled over a hot dude? Certainly me. Mentally I slapped myself.

"There have been instances I have been bothered, vampires knew little of true happiness. Youngers, what in your term is similar to Twilight is all about fucking and mating. Those have barely lived for some of the Elders, they taught me the way to freedom is through other's ways of getting what they want. I-I misunderstood and treated you badly, will you ever forgive me?" Vicente finished. I moved uncomfortable on my feet and looked down on the oak floor.

In the silence I opened and closed my mouth a few times, hesitation apparent on my face. I rubbed my neck and concentrated. He had been a douchebag. No way in purgatory's first gate I would forgive him just like that; I would make him run for the mother if he had one that is. "Learn to respect me like a vampire of your calibre and we might have a deal. What you did is unforgivable. You turned me into Edward Cullen! Not cool, bro," I clenched my fist.

Then I fell face first to the floor, everything became blurred as if my senses had been dulled. Vicente's hands pinned my wrists to the floor, his eyes flashed red. Wow, me likey. I cleared my throat. Somehow my eyes kept matching Vicente's, the darkness lit up by our flashes. He pressured my hands hard enough to leave bruises. What the hell is this all about?

"I was hungry," Vicente finally answered.

"Hungry? Hungry! You could have stolen from a blood bank or something, I am innocent in this. My mum is right, the nights are traitors and I would rather be dead than to meet you ever again," the tension raised to new heights. Our wills clearly battled for dominance, he slumped down his head towards to my chest before he mumbled words in a language I didn't understand. I thought being vampire gave you free access to those things, guess not.

"Say that again," I let my eyes linger on the ceiling. My hands tightened its grip on his messy hair.

"I am sorry," he choked out. "I know better, I am foolish asking for so much when you give the little you can. How can I make it up for you?" That sounded more like it, I ruffled his hair and a smile broadened on my face. Holding my captor at my mercy felt crushing of pure bliss. I imagined flogging his back with a leather belt hearing him moan underneath it begging to come...

A flush crept up my cheeks. Then I would deny him and play around to he had no voice to say his prayers. Man, this was a better fantasy than any chick porn. "You are Jacksepticeye to my Markiplier," I said.

"What?" Vicente's voice made me laugh out loud, I gripped my stomach and tears of happiness went down my face. I wiped away some of the tears of my face and grinned. Soon my short-lived good-time ended, I was falling for a guy. A vampire of all things. My body moved off Vicente's body quicker than the words formed in my head.

"It's a..." I gulped. Both of us had been crying? I stumbled backwards realising that. The werewolves withdrawing, the aliens, the corruptions and two vampires. One from the old world and one from the new. I slapped my face. "Damn it, think Ethan, that's what you do best," I muttered to myself. "Figure out the enemy," I continued. Werewolves. "Diversion military tactic, being the aliens."

Vicente mind began to dig into the bones of my skull. I resisted the urge to slap myself again. "Corruption and a vampire that will end the old regime. It was never one vampire it was two..." I finished my analysis, Vicente stared shocked at me. "Mating will make them more powerful and turn it into one force combined. Ending the corruption that has existed for centuries, the werewolves must be terrified. They know they will be next-"

Vicente held my face and kissed me. My mouth opened up in surprise, once our tongues touched a newfound feeling grew on me. My fingers took hold of his shoulders, I dug my fingers into his clothes, hearing them snap up. I kissed hard onto Vicente's underlip while he forced my skin apart, the blood entering both of our senses. Peace laid upon my mind, it felt so right yet so wrong. He moaned softly into my mouth and I held to him for dear life. "Please," I begged.

"I know," Vicente said in between kisses. He touched me with his hand and it was unbearable. "We won't do this before you are ready," Vicente's green eyes were like burning fires.

✓ Savory ⚣ | First DraftWhere stories live. Discover now