Silver Moon

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ÿþThe full moon cast a silvery glow over the park, illuminating the hill ahead. I could see the tree on the top, reaching over the whole park. Fireflies dance around in the silvery sky, dancing to the song of the crickets. My dog, Benji flittered around trying to catch them, but to no avail. I laughed at the efforts of my silly dog and kept walking towards the hill and the tree.

'C'mon Benji, stop chasing fireflies,' I said as I tried to get Benji to focus back on me.

The sound of wolves howling to the full moon filled the park and the surrounding forest. I shivered but continued on my way to the top of the hill. Benji ran up the top of the hill ahead of me, he turned around and started barking at me to hurry. I ran up the rest of the hill and came to a stop at the base of the tree. I looked out into the town, you could see everything from here.

I found a nice spot to sit at the base of the tree and I stared up into the branches of the massive tree. The full moons glow shone through the branches of the tree, making all the leaves a silvery green. The howls of the wolves sounded again, closer this time. Benji stirred to look over into the forest. A sudden movement at the edge of the forest made Benji jump off of me and start to stand guard and started growling.

I stood up and walked over behind Benji to see a pack of wolves climbing the forest side of the hill, climbing towards me. I backed away from the wolves until my back hit the trunk of the tree. Benji began barking at the wolves the closer they got to us. I tried to run away, back down the hill but it was no use, the wolves attacked. I dodged the first attack but I got pinned against the tree. I couldnt run, I was frozen with fear.

I closed my eyes and braced myself, pain shot through my arm. The wolf had bitten me. I sank to the ground, doubling over with pain. A noise in front of me made me open my eyes, then the weirdest thing happened. Two wolves started shaking, almost convulsing and then they transformed. They became humans.

'What did you do?' The older man said pushing the younger one down to the ground.

'I don't know, I didn't mean to do it,' The younger man replied almost begging for forgiveness.

They transformed back into wolves in a split second, my mind was certainly playing tricks on me, with the pain from the bite and now the burning that has taken over. Nausea plagued my body as I started to shake, the burning on my arm worsened with every minute. I tried to fight what was happening to me but it was too late. The wolf had taken over.

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