I don't know

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"Me and Asuna? Dont think it will happen." You thought to your self. Why? Well you always heard rumors that Asuna and Kirito like each other but neither of them have own up to it. You try not to get in the way since, you love Asuna. You would die for her. But since Kirito has that covered and to don't want to ruin neither friendships, you just do nothing. You always stay up late thinking about Asuna. How she is the love of your life, sometimes this ends up for you crying to sleep but, you shrug it off in the morning. Well you thought you were never able to get Asuna, until one tradgey happen. Neither you or Asuna can forget the day that Kirito died. You, Kirito and Asuna were attacking the boss at the 30th floor. The group had a good pattern going down to kill it, until it decides to go for you. You were off gaurd, but Kirito came in to take the hit for you. Asuna with her quick reflexs, she killed the boss with a couple of hits and ran to Kirito. To see that both of you can try to heal him, he coughed and said for his dying words "No.. it's too late for me. (Y/N) do me a favor... lead our team to victory and keep an eye on Asuna please.." Then poof. You and Asuna saw him shatter, particles going away. What remained of him was his sword. You looked at Asuna, but she was already crying on the floor wishing she could've done something for Kirito. You take Kirito's sword and give it to Asuna saying "I think Kirito wants you to have this.. after all... he loved you." Asuna hugged you tightly yelling while tears are coming down her cheeks"I LOVED HIM TOO!!" All you did was hug her, pull her up and continued on and try to defeat the creator, for yourself, for Asuna and for Kirito. But seeing your self and Asuna on the 50th floor after bum rushing the other 20 floors, you and her decided to take a break and think on what to do next. Since neither of you don't know what to do.

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