What happened!

870 19 18

• authors note •
I'm sooo sorry i didn't update for so long. It's been over a week! I'm finally updating and I'll try to keep it up. I got lazy😁 but here u go!

Justin finishes shopping and gets in his car to go home. He pulls up to his house and gets out of the car and walks inside. He goes up to his room and looks for a bag that he can put the clothes in. It's now 10:30pm and Justin gets ready for bed. He takes a shower and gets into his pajamas. He lays down in his bed and try's to get some sleep. He thinks a little about shays birthday. He wants it to be perfect. He needs to start planning soon. Tomorrow he will call the restaurant that he plans to take Shay to and make reservations. He'll also call discover cove and make a date to go swimming with the Dolphins, Justin says to himself. After a few minutes he falls asleep

*time skip*

*beep beep beep* justins alarm clock goes off. He turns the clock off and goes to the bathroom. He then walks downstairs and makes himself a bowl of cereal. After he eats he goes and sits on his couch and starts making reservations for shays birthday. Justin knows Shay loves seafood so he calls Fords Fish Shack and makes reservations. He then calls Discovery Cove and makes reservations for that. After he finishes with the calls he texts Shay

Justin: J
Shay: s

J: hey babe, wanna come over
S: can I come over a little later
J: yea, what's up?
S: can I call u?
J: of course

*justins phone rings and he picks it up*

J: Shay what's wrong? Are you ok?
S: no (Shay is crying)
J: what's wrong?! Why are you crying?
S: Justin....
J: what!?
S: can I come over now?
J: yes. I'll come get you
S: no I'll walk. I want to walk
J: are you sure
S: yes. I love you
J: I love you more

Justin hangs up the phone. What's wrong with shay, Justin thinks to himself.

*10 minutes later*

*ding dong* Justin rushes to his front door and swings it open. Shay flys into his arms crying. "Shay what's wrong!?" Justin asks. "Can we sit down" Shay says. Justin nods and brings her to the couch. She snuggles up into his arms and digs her head into his chest. "Shay please tell me what's going on" Justin begs. "Justin, I'm sick" Shay says. "What do you mean? How are you sick?" Justin asks concerned. "I..i.. I have cancer" Shay said bawling. "Y..you what!" Justin says tearing up. "What kind? How bad? When did you find out?" Justin exclaims. "I have leukemia, it's not too bad since we found it pretty quick but it will get worse, and we found out about a week ago" Shay answers. "Shay, why didn't you tell me! How could you keep this from me!" Justin yells, now tears are streaming down his face. "Justin I'm sorry.." Shay says but gets cut off. "We are supposed to tell each other everything. Especially things like this" Justin somewhat yells. Before Shay can say anything else, Justin runs up to his room and jumps on his bed, burying his head into his pillow and crys. Why is Justin acting like this. How can he act like this, Shay says to herself. Shay gets up from the couch and walks up to justins door. She puts her ear against the door and hears Justin crying. Shay slides down the door and buries her head into her arms crying. Justin sits up on his bed and he hears crying outside. He knows it's Shay and he doesn't know what to do. For some reason he is mad at her and he doesn't want to talk to her. Shay doesn't seem to be leaving any time soon so Justin just lays in his bed and soon he falls asleep.

It's been about 10 minutes and Shay realizes Justin isn't going to come out and talk to her so she walks home. She gets home and sees her mom. "Honey, are you okay?" Her mom asks clearly seeing that she was crying. Shay doesn't say anything, she just runs to her mom and hugs her. "Do you want to talk about it?" Shays mom asks. "Maybe later. Right now I just need to think" Shay says wiping her tears away. She walks up the stairs and goes to her bedroom. She sits on her bed and starts crying again. She's confused about what just happened in the past 30 minutes. All she did was tell Justin she has cancer and she's only known for a week. Then he ran upstairs and didn't go back to Shay. Shay is surprised how rude he is acting. She didn't want to tell him right when she got it because she didn't know how serious it was and she didn't want to worry him.
Shay lays down and falls asleep

*time skip*

It's 2 o'clock and Shay wakes up from her little nap. She thinks about texting Justin but decides not to because he should be the one to text Shay. He needs to apologize to me. He's only thinking about himself. He's completely ignoring the fact that I am the one suffering, Shay thinks. She try's not to think about it anymore and goes on her phone. She goes on all her social medias such as Instagram, Twitter, and snapchat. On every single one of the apps she sees something that makes her feel horrible. It's all on justins medias. On snapchat he posted a picture of him in his bed and you can clearly see that he was crying because his eyes were blood shot. On his Twitter he posted a small paragraph about how he's messed up today (he didn't say why (the argument) It was just generic). And on his Instagram he had another picture of himself and yet again, you could clearly see his tear stained cheeks. Shay keeps looking at the two pictures of Justin and how sad he looked. Shay then looked closer in his Instagram picture and saw something that made her freak out. In the pictures Justin had his arm over his head (like this 👇🏼👇🏼 just without the sleeve. And😍😍)

She saw something on his arm

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She saw something on his arm. They weren't showing much but she was sure what they were. She saw cuts. A lot of cuts. She started freaking out and crying. She didn't know what to do. Should she go to justins? Should she leave him alone, because he didn't seem to want to be around her right now. She decides to go to his house. She didn't care if he was mad at her. She just wanted to comfort him and help him. She walked to justins house and rang the doorbell. No one answered. (Not to sound creepy) Shay knows justins garage code so she opened the garage. She was hoping no one but Justin was home because she didn't want to creep anyone out by going through the garage. Shay walked into justins house and ran up to his room. She knocked on the door but no one answered. She turned the knob but it was locked. She pulled out a Bobby pink from her hair. Thank god I put these in today, shay thinks. She sticks the Bobby pin in the knob and unlocks the door. She looks for Justin but doesn't see him. She goes to the bathroom in his room and hears something. She knows Justin is in there. She opens the bathroom door and.....

Hahaha cliff hanger😈 I'm making a new chapter right after I publish this so I guess it's not really a cliff hanger but just go with it. I tried making the chapter long and I hope u liked it!❤️

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