Neko girl

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3rd POV
Astren ran as fast as she could as she was being chased by wolf's through the forest. Once the trees were beginning to dissappear in the distance she ran faster. jumping over rocks and fallen branches that were on the ruff old dirt trail. each step she took she had more hope in her eyes. her feet began to ache and bleed from the little pebbles on the trail that were unavoidable. but she kept going, not looking back she ran and stopped once she got to the end of the trail and trees. astren looked down and saw she was at the end of a cliff that people would view apon. her ears perked up as her cat tail hung still behind her as she heard multiple growls and barks behind her. she glimpsed behind her shoulder to see the three wolf's getting in position to atttack. with only a second to think, she did the only thing left for her to do. she jumped.

Al's POV

I open my sliding door with my coffee mug in hand as I walk out to my backyard and sat down in one of the open chairs that were left outside. It had the most beautiful view of the mountains but one thing cought my eye while I was admireing the tall mountains. it looked like some thing was rolling down the side of the mountain. once I got a better view I noticed, it wasn't something, it was someone. I then dropped my coffee mug and jumped out of my chair and ran into the house. I grabbed my keys and a towel and ran to my car as fast as I could. I turned on my car and drove all my way to the mountains. by the time I got there it seemed this person had already landed on the ground.

Astren's POV

I landed at the end of the mountain with cuts and bruises on my back, arms, and legs. I lifted my dirty muddy face up to see a person looking at me in concern. I started to sit up but then got pushed down lightly by the person in front of me. it seems they were covering there eye with there other hand as there face was bright red. I tilted my head to the side as a towel was pushed into my face. I looked confused to why this person had a towel. "put it on you" the person said. I did as they said. the person uncovered there eye and took a deep sigh. the person took my hand and lifted me up to my aching feet. I then looked around but couldn't find the person anywhere. I then looked down. it seems this person was quite short compared to me. my eyes grew bigger as the person grabbed my hand and walked me over to a vehicle that was not far from where we were.

AHHHHH I'M SO HAPPY I got to make a cute little neko girl book, and it makes it even better is a al x astren book!!! GAHHHHH \(^///^)/

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