Ava Ire x Reader

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You wandered aimlessly around the dense forest. It had been many years since you had died. You had been cursed in childhood, so, you knew that when you died you would spend eternity in Limbo. You just didn't expect it to happen so soon. You wanted to actually live a full life. You had come to terms with the curse and accepted it as your fate but thought it cruel that you're fate arrived so abruptly.

You were torn from your vengeful thoughts as you stumbled upon a house. In all of your years on this planet, you had never seen a single being, but it seems today was the day that would change. A fiery looking girl stood outside of the house, looking a bit confused and out of breath. You quickly noticed the open window on the house and realized she had jumped out of it.

Curiosity filled your mind and you found yourself approaching the teenager. She started walking away from the house and you followed her. She stopped and you took the chance to examine her features. Her skin had a slight orange tint, her eyes were a stunning red and her long hair was an auburn color. She wasn't very tall and was wearing a torn dress. She had a peculiar pair of glasses resting on the top of her head.

She's quite beautiful. You thought. You watched as she sighed and sat down on a particularly large tree root. You sat down next to her and brushed a small white specter off your leg. You grimaced. These things were everywhere and spending an eternity with them buzzing around you was the worst thing about your curse, besides spending the rest of time alone, that is.

You ran your hands through your (f/c) hair as you rolled your eyes, the crosses in them moving in a circle. You sighed loudly and attempted to clear your mind of your negative thoughts. You ran your fingers across the (f/c) skin of your forehead, recalling how you died. The memory is burned into your mind. you were shot in the head by one of TITAN's followers for "being non-compliant."

The dark memory caused raged to boil up within you, you practically steaming. You stood up and let out a furious and pained scream. You took a deep breath and flopped back down onto the root. You glanced over at your unsuspecting companion only to find her staring at you in confusion and slight concern with her strange glasses on.

"Who... Are you?" She asked hesitantly. Your jaw dropped, you sat there in shock for a few seconds before you jumped up in excitement.

"You can see me?!" You shouted, smiling wide. She nodded slowly.

"Yes, it's a long story but these glasses I have give me the ability to see beings in Limbo. Who are you?" She asked again, confused.

"Right, sorry, I got excited. It's been a long time since I've actually had someone see me... Since before my death actually. I'm (f/n) (l/n)." You stated. You were still so excited that you were having a conversation with someone that wasn't a tiny white phantom that couldn't even respond. "And you are?" I finished.

"I'm Ava Ire. How are you in Limbo? You should've been turned to stardust not long after you died." She questioned wanting answers. You quickly opened up to her and told her of your childhood curse. You told her how you had grown to except it but not your sudden death. You told her of TITAN's cruel followers and how they had killed you.

You laid your head down on her shoulder and closed your eyes. For the second time that day those painful memories flooded your mind. You took a deep breath, sat up again, and smiled.

"It's okay though because now I've found you! The only being that can see me and talk to me!" You said, excited. Ava smiled sympathetically. You felt an overwhelming sense of happiness wash over you. You laughed and hugged Ava. She seemed a bit shocked but hugged back. You both let go and talked about anything and everything. You told her about your life before you were killed, despite it's length, or lack thereof, and your grim fate, you were a happy person and enjoyed living. She told you about her parents and how she hadn't seen them in a long time. She told you about how she was sent to a TITAN education planet.

"So... How'd you get those glasses?" You asked curious. She got very quiet and looked down, it was clear that she was almost ashamed of how she got them. You quickly tried to pick the conversation back up and change the subject.

"H-Hey! We don't have to t-talk about it!" You stuttered nervously. Staring at her, you felt the fear that she would leave you creep up on you.

"No... I need to tell you." She said. You gulped and she told you about the demon that had plagued her mind all her life. She told you of Wrathia's story and the pact the two of them had made. She told you of her task and the consequences of failing the pact. You found yourself speechless for a few minutes.

"Wow..." You said. She nodded and you smiled. "That's okay! I know you can do it!" You exclaimed.

She smiled at you, "Thanks, (f/n). I needed that." The two of you talked for a little while longer before she announced that she had to leave. You nodded sadly and stayed sitting on the root as she stood and started to walk away.

After gaining some distance between the two of you, Ava turned around and said; "Are you coming?" You smiled wide and jumped up, running after her. The two of walked side by side and you felt your heart swell.

So, This is what it feels like, you thought. Love.
Hey guys!! I just wanted to thank everyone for reading this story. Feel free to make your requests and give me feedback. (Constructive criticism is strongly preferred.) Well that's all!!

~ Neighborino ✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2016 ⏰

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