Story #14- A Night To Remember

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Story #14

A Night To Remember

“It was the night everyone had been waiting for. The most memorable night in high school- Prom night. The girls were busy fussing over each other’s hair and makeup, while the boys were straightening their ties and readying their corsages. No one knew… no one knew what was coming.

The dance was just getting started. Limousines were pulling up, to ‘Ooh’s’ and ‘Aah’s’ over the girls’ extravagant dresses. The couples were flowing steadily into the gym. No one noticed the man… the man in black. He stood silently in the corner, a panther ready to pounce on its prey. He was ignored.

The dance was in full swing. Couples danced, conversation and laughter filled the air to the rhythmic pulsing of the music. The man watched… waited. He knew I saw him. It seemed he was only aware of my prescence… watching my every move, keeping track of who I talked to, and how I danced. I felt uncomfortable. Suddenly, a sweeping dread washed over me. What was that I had glimpsed? A… knife? It couldn’t have been. No. It must have been a glass of punch. But would a glass give off that harsh silver reflection? It couldn’t be that, either. What was a rational explanation? No one else saw him… why? Why didn’t anyone else wonder about his prescence? Why wasn’t anyone approaching him? The dance had been going for almost two hours. If he was meeting someone, they would be here already.

There it was again. That silver gleam, in my peripheral vision. Coming from the corner. Something concealed under his long, black coat. What was he doing wearing a coat, anyway? Why wan’t he wearing a tuxedo? It was prom, after all. I decided to approach him. His head suddenly jerked up, and two coal black eyes met mine. They were cold, evil… unhuman. Suddenly the idea of talking to him was out of the question. It was too risky. I walked up to an adult at the punch table, surveying the dance.

‘Do you happen to know who that man is?’ I asked hesitantly. His wet, staring eyes burned into mine.

‘Who are you talking about? There’s no one over there. Are you feeling alright?’ The woman hesitantly touched my forehead. ‘You’re not hot… maybe you should call a parent to get a ride home.’

‘Impossible… I see him right now. He’s standing right there. He has something in his hand, something silver. It looks like a knife. Shouldn’t we call the cops? He’s been standing there since the dance began. He hasn’t moved since… except to flash something silver at me. It seems like he’s threatening me. I’ve never seen him before in my life.’

The woman looked concerned. ‘Young lady, I think we should get you home. I can assure you, there is no one in that corner.’

I met the man’s eyes again .Something stirred in his eyes, deep down in his soul. His body gave a hideous jerk, and he started to advance toward me.

‘He… he’s coming. Please. Help me. I don’t know this man at all, and I’m really scared…’

The man’s long, loping stride got faster and stronger, and his eyes welled with anger and hate. He was mere feet away from me now… and then he stopped. He pulled out the glimmering object. It was a butcher knife. Long and gleaming, with some sort of brownish stain along the tip… blood, I realized. My stomach gave a lurch, and I had to concentrate to not lose my dinner. The man smiled, revealing a gruesome row of yellowed teeth, some browned, all crooked. But what stabbed fear through my heart and left a cold chill down my spine was the shape of his teeth, and the number of them… hundreds. Maybe thousands of needle-like teeth, perfect for tearing or ripping. It was like staring into the maw of a great white shark. He raised the knife to my face, and whispered into my ear.

‘Knife. It’s a special knife… just for you. Pretty. Shiny. Just for you, just for you…’

I froze. Fear had clenched every musle, paralyzed my brain. The disco ball blurred, the music throbbed in my head like a terrible migraine and the pulsing lights and people faded in and out of my vision. The knife was in my hand now. Then my brain seemed to shut down, and all went black.

I woke up in the middle of the gym. My dress, my beautiful green dress was torn, and covered in stains… brown stains. Splattered. Dripped. My brain could barely focus. What was it…? What could leave such a horrible brown stain all over my dress…? All of a sudden, reality hit me like a whip to the back. I looked around. Bodies. All over. Blood covered the floor, in puddles, a sea of crimson. Dresses. Tuxedos. Ripped. Torn. Stained… decorations covered the ground in tangled heaps. The punch bowl was mere shards of glass scattered over the floor. Music still played… Oh, that music… it played, and played, and my brain couldn’t take it. Before the music went down, and the lights faded to black, one last thought entered my head.

Prom. Oh, what a night to remember.”

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