Birthday Celebration

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Mareeyah's POV

Today is my birthday!!! I am SO happy that I am FINALLY 16!!! Today, our parents promised us that we could all go to goler corral. That is like my favorite resturant of all time!!! They have the best food ever!!! I plan on getting chicken, macaroni & cheese, pasta, wings, and some really good rolls! Mmmmm............... I can taste it now!!!

This morning, I woke up and put on my birthday dress. Last night, I took them both out of the bag and I layed Aleeyah's right next to her so she would be able to see it right once she woke up!!! I put mine on along with the heels, then went in the bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and then did my hair and make-up and got my purse. Aleeyah doesn't know this, but when she went ot the bathroom at the mall, I went in "Purse World" (I made it up) and got us both matching silver purses. Oh so cute!!!

Aleeyah's POV

Ugh! I am SO tired, and I REALLY don't feel like getting up...... But wait.... I almost forgot! I'm 16 today! Woohoo!!!!! I'm so happy! Getting older before you're 18 or 21 only means that you're getting closer to freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well that's how I think of it, anyways. I woke up and tried to turn over, but there was a dress, heels, and purse in my way!

"Ugh! Mareeyah!" I mumbeled.

"What was that?!" She shouted from the bathroom. She came out and had hald of her face done with make-up.

"Nothing, and ew! Either do the rest, or just take ALL of it off! You look like a circus clown!" I told her.

"Hm!" She said and lifted her head up high and walked back into the bathroom with a make-up putter-onner-thingy. I don't know what to call it! But whatever it is, it better not touch MY face!!!

"'Leeyah!, did you see the outfit I had laying out for you?" She asked me from the bathroom.

"How could I miss it!" I said. "I practically ran over it!"

"Oh, don't be a grump on our birthday!!!! Be HAPPY!!!" She exclaimed.

"Okay, okay. I'll get happy when I see that food sitting in front of me!" I said and then we both started laughing at how fat I sounded.

I got up, got dressed, and then I went into the bathroom and Mareeyah forced me to let her do my hair and make-up, so I let her, just to make her happy.

After a while, everyone else started to get up.

"Hey guys!" Abby said. "Why are you already dressed?" She asked.

"Because today is the BEST day of our lives and we were just SO excited!" Mareeyah said answering for the both of us.

"Ohhhhkay thenn..." Abby said and got up and got dressed. She bought a new outfit at the mall too. She got a hot pink ruffled skirt and a light pink tank-top with a hot pink scarf to match. She put on her vlothes and then put on her silver sandals and we were all ready to go..... Except for Justin. We all walked over there and flipped him off of the couch.

"Wake up sleepy head!!!' I screamed. He looked mad, but it was just oh so funny!

He got dressed and then we all just hung out in the hotel game room until later on when it was time to go to Golden Corral.


Once we arrived at Golden Corral, since it was Saturday, there was a REALLY long line!!! But finally, we got out seats and ordered our drinks. My mom got diet pepsi, my dad got pepsi, Me and Mareeyah got root beer, Justin got mountain dew, and Abby got sprite.

After we got our drinks, we all got up and started getting our food. I got some fried chicken, macaroni & cheese, a dinner roll, some wings, green beans, and some spaghetti. It isn't a very good combination, but all of the food was SO good!!!

Mareeyah's POV

I got the exact same thing as Aleeyah, and Abby got the same thing too, but she didn't want to get any spaghetti, and Justin got a plate full of just wings and fries.

We all went and sat back down and started eating our food. This was the best food I'd had in a long time!!!

Next, we all got one more plate of food, and then dessert. There were SO many choices!!! I was overwelmed!!! But I still ate as much of it as possible. I got some ice cream, cookies, chocolate cake, chocolate covered strawberries, marshmallows, a peice of apple pie, and two brownies. It was all SO, so good!!! And I enjoyed every second of eating it!

Aleeyah's POV

For MY dessert, I practically got almost every single thing up there!!! Even though there was SO much to choose from, I still gave every dessert a chance to enter my mouth!:)

I got a peice of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry cake, as well as a cupcake of those exact same flavors. I also got a peice of apple pie. I wold've gotten cherry too, but I don't like cherries. Then, I got 5 chocolate covered strawberries, and 5 chocolate covered marshmallows. The, I got three brownies and every sinlge kind of ice cream they had, including vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, Moose tracks, rocky road, peanut brittle, brownie, blue moon, and birthday cake. I know that I ate WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY too much, but it was all worth it!


After everyone got finished eating their food and desserts, we all got in the car and started heading back to the hotel.

"So how did you guys like it?" MY dad asked.

"Loved it!" I said.

"Best food ever!" Mareeyah responded.

"I feel like throwing up, but in the good way of course." Justin said.

"It was really great!" Abby said. "Especially the desserts." She added to her own response.

"Well that's goo." My mom said. "I'm glad you guys enjoyed it."

"And we're glad you took us!" Me and Mareeyah said at the exact same time, and then everyone started laughing, because we sounded EXACTLY the same!!!

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