Chapter 8

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Entering the building Lita and Hotaru made their way towards their lockers which coincidently they were right next to each other and they began talking to each other while they waited for the bell to ring.

Grabbing the books that they both need for class, they closed their locker door before making their way to their first period. Entering the class room with Hotaru they made their way to their seats, sitting down to wait for the rest of the students to get in and for the bell to ring.

"Alright class let's begin" said Mrs. Smith after the bell rang and the students finished arriving.

And that was how all their morning classes went with them taking notes or doing work sheets.

~ Lunch ~

At lunch time, Lita and Hotaru got just a drink of juice and sat down, by themselves at an empty table. They didn't notice the stares they were getting, too deep in their own thoughts Lita wasn't bothered that they were alone. In fact that's what they both liked the best.

~ With Bella ~

Bella noticed that Edward was looking at Lita, jealously surged through her. He didn't usually look at anyone other than her or his family. She didn't like it not one bit, with narrowed eyes she huffed to herself.

"What's the matter?" asked Jessica.

"Edward is staring at that bloody bitch Lita" snarled Bella angrily.

"I doubt he is interested in her" laughed Jessica.

Bella feared she was losing Edward. Jacob was hardly speaking to him, ever since that night he seemed to be distant with her. She had a feeling she had been used just to get at Edward and that infuriated her.

"Who would like her anyway? She's not that good looking, and besides the other girl barely speaks the stupid girl" said Jessica.

"Stupid girl? I could think of much worse!" snapped Bella.

A snarl met her ears before she was abruptly turned around, a hand was coming towards her a few meters from her face a hand stopped it. A very pale hand, Edward had come to save her.

"Oh Edward!" said Bella falling into his arms "Thank you" she was so sure that the idiotic bitch was going to get what was coming to her.

"Don't get yourself expelled for her," said Edward smoothly "She isn't worth it." untangling Bella from his arms and pushing her away, rougher than intended she went flying into Jessica.

Lita and Hotaru visibly calmed down; with a vicious glare that would have scared some of the negaverse creeps, she and Hotaru stormed out of the cafeteria.

"I'm sorry about them" said Alice coming over to them.

"It's not you that said it" sneered Hotaru.

"No but still, someone has to apologize" said Alice still smiling.

"It's alright" smiled Lita sadly.

"Come and sit down at our table for the rest of lunch you are bound to be hungry" said Alice. Taking Lita's and Hotaru's arm leaving her family no choice to follow Lita gave a silent giggle and followed Alice in.

"This is my family seeing as we weren't introduced properly yesterday, my other half Jasper Hale, his sister Rosalie" said Alice pointing towards the blonde haired girl. Who waved at them with a small kind smile.

"This is Rosalie's boyfriend Emmett and this is my other brother Edward Cullen" said Alice hyperactively she had yet to let go of Lita's arm.

"Nice to meet you all," said Hotaru smiling good naturally.

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