endless mirrors

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"Wake up, Charals, we're going to the carnival today!" said Robbin, my annoying big sister that thinks she can do anything just because my parents are always out of the house. My little brother, Dalian, is still in diapers but has a BIG mouth. He says whatever he wants, whenever he wants. I go downstairs for breakfast and about half way down I see a small shadowy figure. This kind of stuff is normal for me. My sister thinks I'm a freak for seeing ghosts. At the bottom of the stairs, my sister gives me the ol' eye roll, as she does every morning.

I eat my cereal quietly as my sister texted her boyfriend and giggled loudly. "Will you be quiet sis?" Dalian exclaimed with a loud tone. It was dead silent for the rest of breakfast. I can always count on Dalian to shut Robbin up. "Go upstairs and get dressed. The neighbors will be here any minute." Robbin said after her last bite of her egg sandwich. I rush upstairs so I wouldn't have to hear my sister go on and on about me not being upstairs the moment she asked. I put on a bright blue shirt and some ripped up jeans. My sister thinks I should throw my jeans away just because of the hole in the knee. I don't listen to her when she says that because I think it's cool. Besides, she's always trying to get me to throw my stuff away.

Ding dong! " Go away!" Yells Dalian. That's his way of saying the neighbors are here. It's annoying but we still love him. My sister greets the neighbors into our home while I get water bottles and sandwiches packed for the carnival. Robbin walks by me. "Hey look Robbin, I packed stuff for our trip!" I say with a smile as big as the moon. "We are going to the carnival not camping." she whispers trying to look good in front of the neighbors. I wasn't surprised when she said that. I was just expecting her to say it loudly and with a frown so the neighbors would think different of her. I see another figure cross the living room but I keep my smile because I didn't want the neighbors to worry.

"Go pack that stuff in the car" Robbin says with a grin trying not to burst into "blood and gore", as me and Dalian call her outrages. The Neighbors and our family cram into our car and drive to the carnival. Pulling out of the driveway, I feel a strong chill run rapidly up and down my spine. I try to scream to alarm the driver but it just wouldn't come out for some reason. I try to ignore it even though it was a new symptom of my paranormal experience. It stops after we get out of the driveway which I thought was strange. I decided to listen to my Ipod the rest of the way. It was an hour long drive, so I thought I would relax with some music. My Ipod died about the time we got out of town. The rest of the time, screaming kids is was what I listened to instead of my Ipod. I could already tell this was going to be a bad day...

"Cannibal carnival", The sign read. " That's a weird name for a carnival" Oliver, the second twin of the Robinson family that lives next door said. "Yeah, lets go home." Says the first born twin, Erica. "You are going! I just drove an hour and a half for all you little brats to go to this stupid carnival!" Robbin screamed causing a crowd. "Blood and gore." Dalian whispered to me to break the silence between us. I pat Dalian on the head and nodded. "Get your hands off of me, Charals!" He yelled shrugging me into the street, so I would leave him alone. We walk into the entrance of the carnival to turn in our tickets at the front booth. It was a small blue and red tent covered in yellow spots and stripes. "Can I help you?" The man at the booth grunted as he chased around a beetle with his fingers. "Yes, we would like 6 "forever" wristbands please." Jessica, the older sister of the Robinson family said. Forever wristbands are like one year passes. "I'm getting uncomfortable, Charals" Oliver whispered to me. "I am too dude. I want to go home." I whispered back to him with a drop of sweat running down my brow. "I want to go to the fun house!" Dalian yelled, causing the man at the booth to give Jessica and Robbin a glare. "Take care of your kids." He snarled with a lazy eye. He gave us our wristbands, and we went to the Ferris wheel. "I want to go to the FUN HOUSE!" Dalian screamed with feeling. We all stare at Dalin waiting for Robbin or Jessica to do something.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2015 ⏰

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