Before the Tests

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"Come on!" Someone shouted from the door. "They are about to battle it out again!"

All eyes were on Mayu as she squirmed in her seat. She squeezed her eyes shut and thought long and hard. I was going to win this time, I knew I would! She made some indecisive noises before heaving a sigh.

"This rice is best, then this one and that one is last," she squeaked from her perch on the stool. "Sorry Soma."

The crowd clapped and cheered as Yukihira raised his fist is a silent victory. I was so sure I'd beat him this time! My rice was impeccable this time. At least I beat Soma, I could take some joy from that.

"Looks like you two still have some learning to do." Yukihira commented with a smile.

"Whatever." Soma snapped, "I guess I'll take the loss today."

I laughed, "To say something like that, implies that you would have won at some point."

"You are sitting something like five hundred losses, aren't you?" Yukihira added with a smirk.

"That's only 489!" Soma shouted.

"You'll get to five hundred eventually anyway," I sniped.

"Whatever Kira," he turned to me. "You don't know that! Besides I've beat you at least three hundred times."

"Oh, please. I've beaten you 326 times, I've only lost 283 times to you. Yukihira on the other hand, I'm sitting at 317 losses and zero wins. Not that it matters, I'll beat him next time." I shrugged turning away to watch the crowds.

"Yeah right!" Soma quips, "I'll definitely beat him before you."

Soma went to sulk in the threshold and I moved to help Yukihira with the orders. Not a few moments later, there was a screeching from my left. Mayu was stumbling around shaking and Soma was holding a container and chopsticks.

"Oh God," I groaned, stomping over to Mayu and Soma. "What was the putrid dish this time?"

"Peanut butter fried squid tentacle." Soma chirped, his gloomy sulk having vanished with Mayu's trust in the world.

"Nice try," Yukihira said, walking over to us. "But I've made worse. Do you remember the dried sardine concoction with the pureed strawberry jam?"

"No one could forget." I shivered. "That should have been banned."

"But my peanut butter squid is way more gross!" Soma claimed, starting a new bout of bickering between the two.

I never understood the use of making gross dishes, there was no point in it. Food was made to be enjoyed and fulfilling. There is no way I was going make something that someone would hate.

The night wore on and soon enough the diner had calmed down and the customers vanished into the night with smiles and full bellies.

As we were cleaning up the door opened. I turned with a smile before my face fell slack. "Pardon us for the intrusion," the woman purred. Three men stood behind her with sunglasses and suits. She herself took off a pair of purple tinted sunglasses. "It would appear you are about to close for the night. I hope you don't mind the late hour. My apologies. Hello again, remember me?" She spoke with thinly veiled venom that made my blood boil like wine about to ignite.

Soma gave her a flat look before speaking with one of the most bland tones he had ever used. "Can I get you something?"

"Oh no that's alright!" She seemed to bounce. "I came here to further explain the plan we discussed. I'd be happy to go over it again if you'd like. We would love to follow the Garden Residence con-"

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