Some Genie You Are! - Chapter One

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{ Chapter One }

“Come on Robyn, if you just take another fifteen dollars off, I’ll definitely buy it this time!”

Robyn picked the lamp up, looked at it, and then frowned. This frown told me one thing and only one thing - she wasn’t going to budge about the offer again.

I sighed and hung my head down, getting myself ready for what I was about to hear. I had to think of something quick before she firmly declined again.

Setting the object on the counter top, she said, “Alex, you know I can’t take anymore off –“

“Please Robyn,” I interrupted and pleaded while clasping my hands tightly together. “just this one time and I promise you if you do this, I’ll come to your shop tomorrow morning with a load of your favourite cupcakes, you know, the ones from uptown!” I took a slight step back, astounded at the words that flew out of my mouth.  

Wow, when did I think of that?

To my surprise, her eyes widened and there was a slight twinkle shining in them. A good feeling sparked inside my gut. “You mean the Taylor Robskin’s kind?” She ushered her words out slowly like as if she was telling me a dark secret of hers. The twinkle in her eyes begun to grow.  

I stood, looking at her, astonished at her words. As her words sunk in, I nodded, the curves of my lips turning upwards into a pleased smile. 

Huh, this is turning out strangely well. Why didn’t I think of this sooner? 

"Yeah Robyn, those kind,” I confirmed, exaggerating a slight bit and then said as I unclasped my hands, “But I’ll only get them, if you agree to my bargain.”

The mention of the bargain caused the glint in her eyes to disappear and be replaced with uncertainness. I felt my inner self groan in frustration. Please don’t tell me I’m back at square one? Can she not realise how desperate I want this?

If you want it so bad, then stop being so stingy and pay the full price of it. 

No way in hell will I do that!

Fed up with the silence and her uncertainness, I leaned forward and placed my elbows on the counter top, clasping my hands together once again so I was able to rest my chin on it. “Come on,” I coaxed softly. “You want them, the cupcakes want you, so heck on with it and just say yes.”

“Alex…” She uttered.

“Come on,” I coaxed once again, using a much softer tone. 

“Alex, I don't think...“

"Robyn -"

She waved her hand, signaling for me to stop trying. "No, Alex. I will not do it." 

That’s it. I’ve had enough of this! I’m going all out for once and for all. 

I leaned back and stood up straight with my arms crossed over my chest, clear frustration radiating out of me. “I’ve been coming in and out for almost a month now, Robyn! Can’t you see how desperate I am? Look, look into my eyes and see for yourself,” I opened my eyes widely to show her I wasn’t kidding about my desperation. 

Usually, I wasn't the kind of person who would willingly let someone witness such an emotion like desperation in me but today, I was going to let this card sly and like I said, go all out. 

Robyn took a look into my eyes for a quick second and then pulled herself away. She still had the look of reluctance on her face. 

Come on, woman! I gave Robyn a stern expression, letting her know I wasn't going to go anywhere until she agreed. Whether I was being an annoying pest or really childish, I didn't care - I was not leaving without the lamp with me today. I was not going to give up until I had that lamp and if I had to stay at the shop for countless of hours for it, I will do it. 

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