Mothers love is forever and always

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I wake up the following morning Sheldon Wrapped around me and i snuggled closer. I laid there and waited for him to wake up. When he did i saw a smile on his face and then it dropped. "No dont you dare feel bad for me or Sara. we knew what was going to happen but here we are and we are happy. She has Ariel and i have you." he smiled at that and i added, "plus Stephen has a place for us with his company and will alway have a place to go."

After we laid there for a little longer we heard his mom and my sister calling for us to get out of bed. We dress and head down the stairs and into the kitchen , but i am shocked to see my mom at the table. She smiles at me and holds her hand out to Sheldon, "god you boys have grown so much and yet i still see the smirking little boys that tried to get in trouble every time we turned our backs." Sheldon and i shared a smile. It was hard to feel bad when i had him and my mom's love. I looked to him and the longing in my eyes matched his brightly shiny glee in his. "I love you Sheldon." he smiled, "and i love you too." i held him and then we heard a camera click and a awe shared around the room. Our moms and sister were looking at us.

"Can we not have a moment without someone ruining it?" Sheldon whined. I could not help but giggle at him. "At Least they're not stopping it," he nodded in agreement. I kissed his forehead and we set down to breakfast and talked about how school was going.

Sara had told mom that she and Ariel were engaged and mom was aesthetics about getting to plan the wedding for her baby. I was nowhere ready for that and right now i just wanted to enjoy my life with Sheldon. Sara was telling mom that she was ready to marry and start a family but she wanted to wait till school was done first.

Mom asked how Stephen was and i said good and then Sheldon's mom asked, "where are your brothers?" Sheldon looked at me and i breathed, "in there with his brother in charlotte." Our moms shared a look and then looked at us, "Are the twins safe?" i nodded my head, "i think my brother has met his match with his brothers and he's going to settle with them."

My mom shook her head, "About time i was beginning to think he was gonna be a player forever." Sheldon looked at me and i just smiled at him.i was unusually happy and i feel that is a good thing.


I work up to having two bodies wrapped around me. I smiled at them and laid there till they woke up and the smiled that graced their faces was worth it. "Good morning Shadow and Sebastian. How did you two sleep." They sheepishly smile at me, "good and you?" hearing them talk was a peaceful calm that soothes me. I tell them to stay in bed and that i would be right back.

I head to the kitchen and make breakfast. I make an array of food because i know they need the extra protein. I take it to the bedroom and smile at the peace on there faces. They look like little kids and it was adorable. I sit the food on the night stand and lean over them, "wake up boys i made you food." their eyes popped open and scanned me and looked to the night stand behind me. There lips formed a smile and they quickly set up and give me the puppy dog face and i have to say it was just adorable. I hand them their plates and then sit there watching them eat.

After they eat i gather the dishes and head back to the kitchen. I head to the sink and begin to hand wash them. A few minutes later i heard there feet on the ground and i turned as they entered the room."i thought i had told you two to stay in the bed?" they looked at each other and ran down the hall and i heard the bed squeak as they landed it. I shook my head at them. They are such kids and about that time my phone rings.

Ring ring ring

"Hello this is Mr. Spencer. How can i help you?"

"Hey its me Ace. um.... Dad kicked me and Sara out. Mom is still talking to us and she is wanting to through Sara a wedding and she is planning it."

"Dad kick y'all out? Shit well just remember what i had told you both."

"Yes i remember and mom and Mrs. Tri-pie are wanting to know about you and her sons."

I looked to the door and smiled, "i think i have found the future Mr. Spencer's and well i dont want to lose them."

I hear breathing and i knew i said something out of character for me, "mom says congrats and Mrs. Tri-pie says the same as she told me 'you hurt my sons and i will hurt you.' you know what i mean?"

"Yes i know what you mean and i cannot bring myself to hurt them as i am use to."

I smiled at the thought and sighed as i walked down the hall and stand in the doorway. These two are such priceless boys.... Scratched that men and i am happy to call them mine and yet i wanted to collar them. Would they ever want to be collared?

"Stephen? What are you thinking about?"

"Collaring these guys..." i hung up at that point and walked over to them. My eyes went from soft to primal look. I slammed the door and and stalked towards them, "men i have a question for you." they looked at each other and then to me, "what is it?" i smiled at them, "would you to think about being permanent i my life as my boyfriends and possible being collared as my subs at the club?"

They looked at each other and then at me, "we would love to be you boyfriends, but let us think about the whole sub thing. Please?" i nodded my head, " that's fine. Now come to me my beauties."


It was a quiet ride back to the school and Sara had offered to drive so Ace and i were in the back cuddling. Sara was going to be a great wife to Ariel and an even better mother when they decide to add a third person to there life. Sara looked back in the review and i smiled at her.

When we finally get to the school we get out and head up to the dorm and to bed. It was almost midnight when Ace and myself fell onto or be. I snuggled into him and sighed in content that i was where i needed to be and that this was going to get worse before it gets better but for now we had each other and that is how it will stay for now.  


i will be writing a second book tot his that will fallow Stephen and Sheldons brothers and there will be snip bits of Ace and Sheldon along with Sara and her wife. but i do not know if i will write a epilogue to this story since is will in a since continue to the next book. so i hope you all have enjoyed this book.

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